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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 7th, 2023

  • What distro, and did you use official methods or something random from the internet?

    Ubuntu, for a computer engineering project

    As far as I remember, that whole Linus does Linux series was widely ridiculed in the Linux community. Like he didn’t even read the prompts before spamming y

    hence part user error, but what was not user error was there was like a week period where a bad version of steam was put up, which was what caused the problem in the first place. Having a non working version of steam was more on the maintainer end and not the user end, and looking for alternatives to get it working is 100% a new user would do, what was user negligence was the part of accepting that he was going to make distro breaking changes. Hence while ultimately his fault, it was caused by a situation completely not his fault, and he initially acted in a way most users would, which is google for workarounds.

  • ove seen it one time forst hand and not directly but indirectly second hand. first hand time ive first seen it was actually related to OPish, had friends who needed Nvidia drivers installed for compute(non gaming), borked their distro.

    second hand indirect one was the meme moment Linus (tech tips) borked his installation of Pop OS (over Ubuntu) because there was a tiny window period where popos really had a borked version of steam that wouldnt function, and borked it by trying to install steam in a very roundabout way he found online (something a perspn learning to use linux would do often).that situation was only caused by a combination of specific timings and some user negligence

  • Arch tends to be close, because it is a bleeding edge type of rolling update model, so any fixes would come to Arch faster than more LTS options.

    Some distros like Nobara liek you mention have it built in, Pop OS is another. Different distros will prioritize different aspects and that how itll fundamentally be.

    Linux is a game of knowing which distro fits your usecase, the less offending hardware you use, the easier the choices are. take for example those who use bleeding edge hardware might not like the out of the box experience on LTS based distros that take awhile to push something to kernel.

  • prpgrams basically use it for authentication, it has other uses too, but is effectively a tool to verify if the computer is the correct person, as no other device would be capable of immitating and create the message they sent. because of that, its effectively a hardware ID, attached to the tpm module, or more commonly for consumers, the CPU.

    banning said device would effectively be a hardware ban. which would be used by compeotitive online games to dissuade cheaters an evergrowing problem with lack of solutions.

  • it’s working in the sense that i slows it down. However how denuvo works is that there are usually are generations of denuvo that get cracked, so once one gets cracked in a generation, theres a handful that will be cracked with it. if a company is using an older generation of denuvo, you may typically see day 1 cracks, which ultimately means the company paid denuvo for nothing, but the point is, denuvo wasn’t meant to stop piracy first, it was meant to appease investors that require denuvo to be implemented.

  • HDMi foundation is founded by companies who own the home theatre environement (mainly movie conpanies and television) who puts DRM on HDMI to make it harder to illegally copy content like movies, ao they will always want to be anti open source because thats the request of streaming services/movie businesses. Its why for example, mobile devices have widevine levels. those levels basically determine how “unlocked” the device is and services will refuse to offer full functionality to unlocked devices because of it, be it audio or video.

    Members of VESA, who control the displaypprt standard are generally computer companies are mostly not in the business of media, so they value specs over drm on changes, which for example a use case is that displayport allows for daisychaining diaplays.

  • CUDA is Nvidia’s conputation toolkit and language. it opens up to developers ways to accelerate tasks using the GPU. GPUs are usually really good at doing 2 things better than CPUs, Floating point math, and linear algebra (think a gpu to be like thousands of dumb smaller cores vs a couple of large cores with multiple instructions like the CPU.)

    CUDAs main strength is that it makes programming a lot easier for devs, at the cost that its implementation is black box and proprietary. when you have devs use such a proprietary language, the it makes it significantly harder to jump ship if your work relies on it to make a profit.

  • the browsers have the software, but not the hardware decode step.

    software decode, especially for mobile, would be battery draining and no streaming service would realistically would use it without the userbase having hardware decode support.

    for pcs, av1 hardware decode is amd 6000 or newer, amd phoenix apus, nvidia 3000 or newer gpus, 11th Gen intel cpus or newer.

    for mobile, its only like a small portion of the phones released in the past year and a half or so.

    for iphone, the list is the iphone 15 pro max. and for the other devices, things using the M3.

    as long as the world is a mobile first mindset, theres no way theyre going to ask evwryone on mobile to take a significant battery loss just for a higher resolution stream.

  • AV1 would introduce a similar hardware requirement because not everyone even has AV1 Decode, and even fewer have AV1 encode. AV1 encode would only be available on people on gpus using the latest generation, blocking anyone buying previous generation stuff (so no AMD 6000 or older, or Nvidia 3000 or older, and non Intel Arc products).

  • im not defending mocrosoft at a whole, im just saying windows embedded isnt as bad as you actually think it is, and consumers benefitted from it more than it not

    A Japan that still faxes even in modernity?

    what a country does has barely anything to do with rhis context. thats like saying the U.S is removed because they didnt have tap to pay until Covid happened, whoch other countries have been usong for a decade before, or having terrible public transportation and internet infrastructure, and in the latter case, basically invented it.

    That’s your defense of MS? I bet they aren’t even using a special build of windows — just the desktop schlock with some removedty 3rd party app on top.

    that shows how ignorant you are with it because all of the games arent directly ported. look into the efforts required to port Gundam Extreme Versus 2 on teknoparrot. if it was a native game, then they wouldnt have to jump through as many hoops as the game doesnt have a PC port (nor any of its predecessors have ever had one)

  • embedded windows in the japanese arcade scene has been working fine so far. for example, most of bandais arcade machines in the past like 7 yaers or so basically run embedded windows.

    it was a benefit to non arcade users because a majority of games that were on those machines eventually got pc versions, or a new game on pc for the first time (e.g Tekken 7, Taiko No Tatsujin), where historically, theyve basically never been on PC officially.