some guy… somewhere

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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 18th, 2024


  • Sure hasn’t helped AI/LLMs with accuracy yet. And never will. Computing doesn’t actually think and reason, it’s just mashing together bits of data it has, and if what it has now isn’t accurate, how is anything going to be?

    You and others continue to harp on how great this new technology is and meanwhile we have seen it do nothing but absolutely, laughably fail. You keep saying it will get better, but it won’t. It is limited by the fact that computers don’t work that way. Sick and tired of the people justifying this garbage “tech” that is stealing art, code, text, etc, sucking up huge amounts of power, and giving wrong information, telling people to do dangerous things and even kill themselves because computers don’t know the difference.

    Just admit it. AI/LLM is garbage. Please. Stop being a massive fanboy for something that has clearly, evidently, 100% failed miserably and dangerously.

  • You can’t even rely on Wikipedia to be right, and how is reddit “content you can license”? Its articles are owned by their sites, and the original stuff posted there is from the poster and is usually wildly inaccurate or outright wrong (or even downright dangerous). And even when they do pull in tons of stuff they shouldn’t, the results are frequently laughably wrong.

    You’re not making a good argument for LLM crap here. Just accept the fact that it’s a failed technology that needs to be shut down. Please. How are people so excited and gung-ho over this garbage, failed, laughably bad technology? It’s almost like people WANT chaos.

  • A language for noobs that encourages bad style and programming because you can’t shoot yourself in the foot as easily (but you totally still can)? That’s what all these fad languages seem to be, and more keep popping up and declaring themselves the future of programming all the time. Just wait, rust will be forgotten for some other fad language everyone will start using soon enough. Stop reworking everything into the fad language of the moment and just work on existing code.

  • The fact that it’s optional now is irrelevant. Most people aren’t going to disable AI and will thus use a horrible, broken feature that has never been proven to work reliably. And what is “optional” now becomes the standard later. Best to kill it now before it becomes the complete ruination of the tech industry.