Hello everyone! I would like to know why there seems to be some dislike toward Ubuntu within the Linux community. I would like you to share your reasons for why you like Ubuntu or, on the contrary, why you don’t. Thanks 🙇
Hello everyone! I would like to know why there seems to be some dislike toward Ubuntu within the Linux community. I would like you to share your reasons for why you like Ubuntu or, on the contrary, why you don’t. Thanks 🙇
I just hate snaps because they’re dogremoved and don’t removeding work.
I made the unfortunate mistake of doing
sudo apt install docker dotnet -y
on a dev machine, thinking that I was going to get correctly packaged deb installations of those two tools.After about two hours of having neither removeding tool work, I found that Canonical highjacked the deb installation with their removedty snap packages, which didn’t removeding work thanks to the removed sandboxing that snap tries to do.
Don’t removeding waste your time with Ubuntu. It’s an actual liability.