hey nerds, I’m getting myself a new personal laptop as a treat, but I very much do not want windows 11 removedting it up. Is there a linux distro with caveman-compatible instructions for installation and use? I want to think about my OS as little as possible while actually using it.
I’ve got one friend who uses mint, but I’ve also seen memes dunking on it so who knows. I actually really only know what I’ve seen from you all removedposting in other communities
About Gnome and KDE, they are simply different Desktop Enviroments (DE).On Linux, DE’s are a software category, much like how browsers are a category with many different alternatives (Firefox, Chrome, Opera, …) on Linux we got DE’s such as: Gnome (a more tablet-like DE. You either love it or hate it) KDE Plasma (by default it’s windows-like, but it is very customizeable but can be kinda overwhelming to some) Cinnamon (the one that comes with Mint, very simple, very light, very user friendly and has a familiar layout for Windows users) And many more, Cosmic, Pantheon, XFCE, Sway and so on…
Stop recommending Ventoy! It’s a huge security risk and the author has not responded in 8 months.
Just looked a bit into the issue, and it’s surely weird… Thanks for informing! Already edited my original comment
I discovered Ventoy a week ago and
it’s **removeding amazing. So much time and hassle saved.it seemed amazing, but I had no idea about the security concerns others have pointed out. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.Umm, I came across this post some time ago, it says some bad things about ventoy😅
Well, removed.
Thank you for the info. Edited.
Thanks for the resources, it’s definitely very weird and kind of a bummer since I used to enjoy that software very much 🫤 Already edited my original comment.