For quick reference, we've created a handy guide designed to be printed, folded, and carried in your pocket (PDF download).
Now, more than ever, citizens must be able to hold those in power accountable and inspire others through the act of protest.
Protecting your electronic devices and digital assets before, during,...
Thank you. I don’t know what I was thinking, posting this on where any useful advice will immediately be countered with “no no don’t pay attention to that, I just thought about it for 3 seconds and I’m pretty sure I have a better answer than whatever the people whose whole job and organization is this.” I won’t repeat the mistake.
There is a lot of valuable info in TFA beyond that: how to dress, interact with others, etc. Would be good to read the whole thing if interested.
Thank you. I don’t know what I was thinking, posting this on where any useful advice will immediately be countered with “no no don’t pay attention to that, I just thought about it for 3 seconds and I’m pretty sure I have a better answer than whatever the people whose whole job and organization is this.” I won’t repeat the mistake.