Even though different Linux distros are often fairly close in terms of real-life performance and all of them have a clear advantage over Windows in many use cases, we can’t reject the fact that Arch Linux has undoubtedly won the competition. And now I’m so glad to have another reason to proudly say “I use Arch btw”
::: It was a joke of course :::
Where’d you get that image? I made that 7 or 8 years ago. Has it been making the rounds? It’s weird to see it in the wild lol
Did you really make it? Weird to imagine you would be on Lemmy coincidentally.
I did, yeah. I thought the original flowchart was really childish and cringy so I made this and posted it on some Linux circlejerk sub on reddit. It didn’t get any traction, I’m shocked to see it pop up years later. I guess somebody must have liked it
This gets shared around a lot more than you think. I see it a lot on 4chan and even in internet comments.
Damn, I created a minor niche meme. And my teachers didn’t think I’d amount to anything
Lol @ the idea that backtrack/kali is someone’s daily driver.
AW man, my first choice back in the days was Debian. Seeing now your map made me remember the pain of learning along the way while solving nuclear bomb events and configurations that I had no idea even existed. Still, it was a great experience! Nowadays I just use win 11.
Windows wouldn’t be too terrible if it wasn’t for all the pop ups all the time.
I need to work with it because I need to create a WPF app with Visual Studio, and when I switch from Windows to my personal computer, the difference is mind blowing.
Windows push you removeding add with a notification sound. It’s probably on me that I didn’t disable yet, but I don’t have to do that on any Linux distro.
Preach! I am glad that I am not 14 and I have a life.