According to the StatCounter, Linux on the desktop has continued to rise and remains above 4%, with this being the healthiest it's ever looked on the desktop.
I just got a steam deck and I’m surprised how well it runs games. It’s not quite as refined as a switch but it can run games were designed to run windowed in Windows with a mouse and keyboard. It can translate the game to run on Linux, the inputs to a gamepad and convert the game from being windowed to fullscreen. It’s impressive and if the games were actually designed for the deck I feel like it could feel as seemless as the switch.
It is really making me consider Linux for my desktop once Windows 10 reaches EoL. The only game I’ve found that doesn’t work is Destiny 2. Even the desktop mode on the deck is surprisingly nice
The Steam Deck and it’s desktop mode is why I decided to try jumping head first into a single boot of Bazzite on my main computer, 4 months in and I haven’t looked back, even PDF’s are better in linux, no Adobe iron grip.
EDIT: sorry for comment spam! Jerboa having issues posting, hope it doesn’t show up and I tried to delete duplicates. XD
The best time to play with Linux as a daily driver system is now.
Play around with some virtual machines using VirtualBox for instance, do some installs, try distros, try desktop environments see what you fancy. Cool thing about playing with VMs is if you tank a system you can just delete and start over. :)
An old laptop to try a real “bare-metal” install to play with is even better.
This way, when MS says “Win10 is gonna be left to rot as security swiss cheese and your only option is Ai-enabled telemetry-infested account-mandatory nonsense.”
You can just comfortably jump to something you’ve already gotten familiar with!
The 'Deck can be used as a “real computer” too! It’s worth playing around in Desktop mode to just get used to how using Linux and KDE feels.
I just got a steam deck and I’m surprised how well it runs games. It’s not quite as refined as a switch but it can run games were designed to run windowed in Windows with a mouse and keyboard. It can translate the game to run on Linux, the inputs to a gamepad and convert the game from being windowed to fullscreen. It’s impressive and if the games were actually designed for the deck I feel like it could feel as seemless as the switch.
It is really making me consider Linux for my desktop once Windows 10 reaches EoL. The only game I’ve found that doesn’t work is Destiny 2. Even the desktop mode on the deck is surprisingly nice
I remember a few years ago people got destiny 2 to work on Linux and Bungie banned those players. removed Bungie
And then they made a Linux native version but it worked only on Stadia.
removed Bungie.
The Steam Deck and it’s desktop mode is why I decided to try jumping head first into a single boot of Bazzite on my main computer, 4 months in and I haven’t looked back, even PDF’s are better in linux, no Adobe iron grip.
Adobe-free PDFs are pretty neat, though Firefox has a great PDF viewer/editor nowadays, which works well on Windows too.
When I was on Windows, I used SumatraPDF. It’s literally tiny and I never really missed any features.
EDIT: sorry for comment spam! Jerboa having issues posting, hope it doesn’t show up and I tried to delete duplicates. XD
The best time to play with Linux as a daily driver system is now.
Play around with some virtual machines using VirtualBox for instance, do some installs, try distros, try desktop environments see what you fancy. Cool thing about playing with VMs is if you tank a system you can just delete and start over. :)
An old laptop to try a real “bare-metal” install to play with is even better.
This way, when MS says “Win10 is gonna be left to rot as security swiss cheese and your only option is Ai-enabled telemetry-infested account-mandatory nonsense.”
You can just comfortably jump to something you’ve already gotten familiar with!
The 'Deck can be used as a “real computer” too! It’s worth playing around in Desktop mode to just get used to how using Linux and KDE feels.
Wishing you all the best. :)
You’re going to love Bazzite.
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