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It’s a known bug from upstream mutter. A fix is being worked on and there’s a PPA with the updated packages by the Ubuntu developer working on the fix. It resolved the problem on my end.

    6 months ago

    C’mon I never said it was buggy

    That’s what this comment chain is about, though, which is why I was asking what relevance your opinion that the workflow is bad has.

    Unfortunately GNOME insists on reinventing the wheel about every two years

    Again with getting further off-topic! What does this have to do with the assertion that Gnome is buggy?

    Not that it’s even true anyway, it’s a total lie. There has been no “reinventing the wheel” since Gnome 3 came out something like 13 years ago — that’s quite a while! But feel free to tell me how Gnome has “reinvented the wheel” recently. I’m all ears.

    What’s the point is in having a well funded team when you want to change network settings and you’ve to go through three different kinds of UIs

    Again, how is this on topic? Did you reply to my initial comment by mistake?

    Again, it’s not even true. There’s one UI in the settings (and across the whole system), I don’t know why you’re making stuff up?

    The rest of your rant seems to be Gnome is inconsistent which is… wow. Gnome is easily the most consistent UX in Linux. Period. Including ChromeOS and Android.

    But again, what does that have to do with the assertion that it’s buggy?

    Bluntly it seems to me like you have a bit of a chip on your shoulder. Maybe some Gnome devs spitroasted your girlfriend, maybe there’s just some insecurity and the need to removed on something other people like in order to justify your own choices.

    I don’t care tbh, I just don’t see the relevance of your rants to my comment or even the comment I replied to.