• dingdongitsabear@lemmy.ml
    3 months ago

    Aside from the god-awful installer (which they’re replacing), and the ball ache of installing media codecs, it’s an amazing distro.

    yeah, so I got AMD graphics and it was news to me that from now till the end of days, you’re supposed to run dnf up thusly:

    sudo dnf up -x mesa-va-drivers

    that suffix prevents fedora’s removedty mesa from interfering with your cool mesa from rpmfusion, even though you swapped removedty-mesa with cool-mesa, as instructed. apparently, they started forcing this removed recently, can’t remember ever having to do this, from F35 on up to F39.

    this feels like a new take on wrestling Ubuntu and its snap monstrosity, you ripped removed out and thought you were fine. not so, we want removed done to your computer, even though you’re like against it but you don’t really mean it, right? man, gtfo with that bullremoved, go break a Gnome extension or something and leave this removed be!

    that’s mentioned NOWHERE - not in the rpmfusion howto’s, not in askfedora/fedora magazine (but there are swaths of jerkoffs going “well that’s a risk when using 3rd party removed”), nor any step-by-step articles I looked at, I accidentally found it buried in a 3rd level comment of some rando reddit discussion.

    edit: the installer sucks big fat elephant dick.