Git repos have lots of write protected files in the .git directory, sometimes hundreds, and the default rm my_project_managed_by_git will prompt before deleting each write protected file. So, to actually delete my project I have to do rm -rf my_project_managed_by_git.

Using rm -rf scares me. Is there a reasonable way to delete git repos without it?

    4 months ago

    How about writing a script to automate the deletion, thus minimizing the chance of human error being a factor? It could include checks like “Is this a folder with .git contents? Am I being invoked from /home/username/my_dev_workspace?”

    In a real aviation design scenario, they want to minimize the bullremoved tasks that take up cognitive load on a pilot so they can focus on actually flying. Your ejector seat example would probably be replaced with an automatic ejection system that’s managed by the flight computer.