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Simply copy & paste the output of alias in your terminal or add some comments to explain things for others.

Edit: Kbin users, click ‘More’ on a comment and use the fediverse link to read responses that have funky formatting

    1 year ago

    This is a separate reply since I didn’t know that you can include shell functions here.

    I made this little function read_latest_log() because I just want to “read the latest log file” in a directory full of timestamped log files. I made a helper function separator_line_with_text() to help with the output, basically setting off the file-info portion (just the filename for now) from the file contents.

    # # separator_line_with_text
    # # Centers text in a separator line
    # #
    # # Usage:
    # # separator_line_with_text «separator_char» «text»
    separator_line_with_text() {
    local separator_char="$1"
    local contents_str="$2"
    # Calculate separator_length
    local separator_length=$(( $(tput cols) - 2 - ${#contents_str} ))
    # Calculate the width of the left and right parts of the separator line
    local half_line_width=$(( (${separator_length}) / 2 ))
    # Construct the separator line using the $separator_char and $contents_str
    for ((i = 0; i « half_line_width; i++))
    echo -n ${separator_char}
    echo -n ${contents_str}
    for ((i = 0; i < half_line_width; i++))
    echo -n ${separator_char}
    echo ""
    # # read_latest_log
    # # Reads the latest log file with a timestamp in the filename.
    # #
    # # Usage:
    # # read_latest_log [[«name_filter»] «extension»] «separator» «timestamp_field_number»
    read_latest_log () {
      # Check if the function has sufficient parameters
      if [[ $# -lt 2 ]]; then
        echo "Error: insufficient parameters."
        echo "Usage: read_latest_log [[«name_filter» = *] [«extension» = log] «separator» «timestamp_field_number»"
        return 1
      # Supposing only two parameters are provided
      # «name_filter» parameter is "*"
      # «extension» parameter is "log"
      if [[ $# -eq 2 ]]; then
        local name_filter="*"
        local extension="log"
        local separator="$1"
        local field="$2"
      # Supposing only three parameters are provided,
      # assume that the «name_filter» parameter is "*"
      if [[ $# -eq 3 ]]; then
        local name_filter="*"
        local extension="$1"
        local separator="$2"
        local field="$3"
      # If all parameters are provided, assign them accordingly
      if [[ $# -eq 4 ]]; then
        local name_filter="$1"
        local extension="$2"
        local separator="$3"
        local field="$4"
      # Find all log files with the specified extension, sort them based on the separator and field
      local log_files=$(find . -type f -name "${name_filter}.${extension}" | sort -n -t "${separator}" -k "${field}")
      # If no log files are found, display a message and return
      if [[ -z "$log_files" ]]; then
        echo "No log files found."
        return 0
      # Get the latest log file and its full path
      local latest_log_file=$(echo "$log_files" | tail -1)
      local full_path=$(realpath "$latest_log_file")
      # Define the strings for the separator line and
      # calculate the appropriate length of the separator line
      local contents_str=" Contents "
      local separator_char="—"
      separator_line_with_text ${separator_char} ""
      separator_line_with_text " " ${full_path}
      separator_line_with_text ${separator_char} ${contents_str}
      cat "$(echo "$log_files" | tail -1)"

    Sorry for all the edits, for some reason anything that looks like an HTML tag gets erased.