From bash to zsh and everywhere in between, show me yours and I’ll show you mines. Inspire others or get some feedback.
Simply copy & paste the output of alias in your terminal or add some comments to explain things for others.
Edit: Kbin users, click ‘More’ on a comment and use the fediverse link to read responses that have funky formatting
I alias most of my flatpaks to autorun, made a tool for that called flatalias.
set fish_greeting alias update='flatpak update -y && notify-send -a Updater "Flatpaks ready" && rpm-ostree update && notify-send -a Updater "rpm-ostree ready"' alias upfin='flatpak update -y && rpm-ostree update && shutdown -h now'' alias flatrm='flatpak remove --delete-data' alias ls="ls --color=auto -GF" alias reload="source ~/.config/fish/ && echo 'Fish-config updated'" abbr conf "kate ~/.config/fish/ && source ~/.config/fish/ && echo 'Fish-config updated'" ### NETWORKING abbr myip 'curl' abbr netlisten 'netstat -plntu' abbr pingtest 'ping -c 2' abbr rpmq "distrobox enter -n fedora -- dnf search" abbr rstat "rpm-ostree status" abbr rpmfind "rpm -qa | grep" abbr flatinst 'flatpak install -y' abbr flatfind "flatpak list | grep" abbr history-off 'set +o history' abbr sshcloud "ssh -i /home/user/.local/share/Cryptomator/mnt/SSH-keys/KEYNAME -p PORTNUMBER root@IP # and others abbr httpcode "curl --head --silent --output /dev/null --write-out '%{http_code}' " abbr "pin-this" "ostree admin pin 0" abbr "q" "exit" abbr c "clear" abbr errors-boot "journalctl -b" abbr errors-last-boot "journalctl -b -1" function copy if test -f $argv[1] cat $argv[1] | wl-copy echo "Copied to clipboard." else echo "Error: '$argv[1]' is not a file!" end end abbr off "shutdown -h now" function findmod set mod_path (whereis $argv[1] | cut -d' ' -f2) kate $mod_path; end function mdtopdf -a filename set -x name (basename $filename .md) pandoc $filename -o $name.pdf | tee $name.pdf end function mdtoodt -a filename set -x name (basename $filename .md) pandoc $filename -o $name.odt | tee $name.odt end function mdtotex -a filename set -x name (basename $filename .md) pandoc $filename -s -o $name.tex | tee $name.tex end abbr rootfish "sudo -i fish" abbr eng "export LANG=en_US.UTF-8" abbr english "export LANG=en_US.UTF-8" alias conf='nano ~/.config/fish/' alias reload='. ~/.config/fish/' alias pipwire-restart="systemctl --user restart pipewire.service" function tarbrot #not yet fully working I think if test -z $argv[1] echo "Usage: tarbrot " return 1 end set folder $argv[1] set tarball (basename $folder).tar set brotli_file $ # Start the timer set start_time (date +%s) # Create a tarball without compression tar -cf $tarball $folder # Display the time elapsed set end_time (date +%s) set elapsed_time (math $end_time - $start_time) # Compress the tarball with Brotli brotli $tarball && rm -f "$tarball" echo "Folder '$folder' has been tarred and Brotli compressed as '$brotli_file'" echo "Time elapsed: $elapsed_time seconds" echo "Size of compressed file: (du -h $brotli_file | awk '{print $1}')" end
I use fish btw, nice shell.