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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 24th, 2023


  • Acters@lemmy.worldtoLinux@lemmy.mlBased KDE 🗿
    7 months ago

    KDE’s plasma centered Linux Operating system. So to not be overly pedantic, I stuck with what this lemmy post was about. I didn’t say the plasma desktop environment was an OS.

    I said “a linux operating system made by the KDE team” in which the KDE team referenced their OS as Plasma in the Mastodon post, or “toot,” shown in this lemmy post.

  • Acters@lemmy.worldtoLinux@lemmy.mlBased KDE 🗿
    7 months ago

    I said its a linux operating system, and the whole installation from Desktop environment to the compiled kernel and preinstalled executables was carefully made by the KDE team. They literally said Operating system on their mastodon post, “toot,” this lemmy post shows. So its correct what I said

  • No, and yes

    A partly because there is always small risk involved in everything in life. However, you do need to realize what the paranoia is supposed to help prevent. If you install an unverified os thar hijacks the machine, then you will need to live the loss of the machine. Particularly, your paranoia stems mostly because you are afraid of losing your privacy or machine to a possible malicious attack. The proper way of mitigating this is to build from a verified source instead, as in you know what the code is, but you can’t because the systems are too complex for a single person to verify manually. Unfortunately, your paranoia is too shallow and unfounded, and you will need to do some self reflection to come to the acceptance of a world you can not know or control.

    On the other hand, when you are doing proper procedure to do a basic verification step to prevent corruption or possible simplistic malicious attacks, it is good behavior. It great you feel the need to verify your distributions and that your paranoia is likely not paranoia at all! A simple checksum is nice. Also, how can you verify that a gpg key is also a good one and not a tampered gpg that matches the tampered ISO? There is a level of trust you have, and your paranoia is simply never going to be able to be paranoid enough to encompass everything. You are forced to place some trust in something. After all, there are vulnerabilities found in gpg software that does either the encrypting step or verification steps(either from gaining the private key or the verification step throwing false positives). There is only so much we as normal people can do.

    So overall, it is both. You are responsible, and your paranoia is too shallow to be useful for you. Go the extra steps and compile from source. It is safer because the code is less likely to be tampered and you can know it is right because you made it yourself.

  • You could memorize how many emojis vs. a long number. Say you got 5 💀, 2 🇹🇼, 3 👀, and 7 💩 or take a special number like a pin and attribute emojis to each digit. Doesn’t matter how you remember it, password manager or not, the added digits are great to have as there are more symbols to crack. This makes common passwords less common as there is a possibility that there is a larger pool of common passwords that dilute the probability table.(“flattening” a bell curve) This is a smaller increase in the amount of work needed to go through a dictionary, custom made, standard, or list of leaked common passwords. However, it is beneficial to create large delays in password cracking for situations where the attack is done at a large scale vs. a targeted approach.

    Limiting to integer may not seem like a good idea, but the symbols and digits are all converted to binary either way. So instead of integers, why not just cut the middle man and just have it all be binary in the first place? 128 bits can provide 2^128 unique values to use. A computer can easily make a random number, and the use of a password manager can save it. After this, it turns into a key signing system, [cryptography](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Key_(cryptography\)). In the end, passwords are dumb and we want to use them because we like the feeling of knowing the secret magic phrase/word that can be easily be shared through most forms of communication, especially verbal.

    Sorry about the rant/brain dump. I just wrote whatever came to mind

  • It’s a tough sale when the item/service being sold changes someone’s workflow or tool set. Hype helps remove this friction. Strangely enough, when you force someone into a default state, they dont act to move to what is comfortable. Instead, they try to work with it and thereby become more comfortable. This is also why keeping it stupid simple and obnoxiously large buttons makes it easier to introduce people. The less steps or transitions are also preferable because people want to have less effort and not be overloaded with options that look important enough that they need to know what to do. Average joe does not want to do research on things they don’t know anything about. Unfortunately, settings pages(and other custom tools like command lines) are full of the opposite of what I stated here.

  • You will hate me for this. Any spread sheet app, google Sheets , Excel, or open-source. Spend time doing it yourself because focusing on your finances matters more than just getting an automated solution that you can simply ignore or not understand completely. Don’t worry too much about it. Make a tab for income, a tab for recurring expenses, and a tab for all your transactions. Take a year or two, building it up. It will take time to build a good history and for you to refine your plan better(easier when you are focusing on creating the spreadsheet vs. taking a premade solution). Also I suggest thinking long term as much as possible, like a yearly plan instead of monthly. If you get lucky and your life is stable and safe, you will have a nest egg building, and it will make sticking to a yearly plan much easier as you won’t need to plan out around paychecks as your yearly income is usually going to stay the same.

    Spreadsheets are cloud store able and editable, export features galore, and powerful stats with custom data manipulation or presentation. There is simply nothing better than making your own spreadsheet. You could always start with a premade spreadsheet that does not have too much fancy bs. Take time doing it, I promise you will be happier than stumbling around, not knowing what is going on or what your future holds.