Migrating here (or maybe keeping both) from @ArcaneSlime@lemmy.ml

Will put an eternal curse on your enemies for a Cinemageddon invite.

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Honestly if you figured out lemmy you can figure out linux at least enough not to be a 95yo about it.

    Use a distro that is both popular and good for beginners, like Fedora or it’s KDE spin, or Mint. There will be learning, there probably will be troubleshooting, you’re switching from something you’ve always been familiar with to a new thing, it is unavoidable. It’s like moving to Mexico, you’ll need to pick up at least a little Spanish. It’s really not as hard as people make it seem, most questions will be solved by searching the problem and pasting in a terminal command, but it’s good to learn what those commands do over time. It might benefit you to use the computer more often while learning if possible.

    Do it, you’ll be fine!

  • You do know that the “tobacco” flavors are nothing like actual tobacco, and are instead still sweet just with a particular taste vape companies decide is “close enough to tobacco,” right? Some people do actually prefer them to fruity or desert flavors. You have to have some kind of flavor to cover up the taste of raw Nic suspended in VG, nothing is flavorless in reality, tobacco flavors just taste bad to me, some of those kids may end up preferring it. With that said, what is really stopping pot #2 from being like “well societal pressures are high enough I chose to do it, and it doesn’t taste that bad, I still wanna be cool.” Then they get addicted in the meantime like pot #1? Nothing really.

    Furthermore, Ok fine, ban flavors for kids. I’m not a kid, I should still be able to buy it. Flavored vodka is banned for kids, but I can still buy that, do you think we should also ban Ciroc since that’s what many teens start with, or not?

    Btw your link to phillip morris vapes that nobody has ever used in the history of the workd is funny as hell, I didn’t even know they made these, really controlling the market, huh? Who owns Smok, Geekvape, Elf Bar, Juul, or any of the popular ones? I’ll give you a hint, it isn’t Phillip Morris nor is it R. J. Reynolds. And are those on PM’s site disposable ones or are they supposed to be refillable? PM doesn’t want you to use the good stuff that people like, they want you to have to use whatever drivel they put out.

    Btw Juul is the only company who was sued for marketing to kids, do you really think it’s pertinent to go after flavors adults enjoy to spite the customers of an entire industry not just that company, instead of just attacking the advertisements and companies themselves like we do for alcohol? Again then why not ban the flavored drinks for adults as well?

    Also were those ads targeted ads? Why wasn’t google’s adsense involved in the lawsuit if so? You’d think the platform that targets ads would be involved in the suit about targeting 21+ ads to kids (which google/apple do know they’re doing since they do have that sort of data on all their customers). I propose this is because it isn’t about the ads for kids, and is instead about hurting the vaping industry for adults (who again, also like flavors, liking pineapples isn’t exclusive to children), and pushing the big vape companies out of the way to make room for your never before seen phillip morris brand things with flavors designed to push people right back to analogue.

  • You don’t vape metals unless you’re running it unreasonably long and hot without juice. The studies that showed metals shedding from coils basically engineered it through nonrealistic methods that would never be repeated in the wild, you’d notice the worst taste you’ve ever had as the cotton singes long before the coil sheds any material. That said, vape juice is VG, PG, Flavors, and Nic; fog machine juice is VG, PG, distilled water, and essential oils if you want some smells. The bulk of both fluids is literally the exact same with the exception that vapes require USP food grade VG/PG where nobody cares with fog machines.

    As to your second question: Because it’s funny. Of course they’d be mad about it, that’s part of why it’s funny. Not a class clown, were you?

  • The black market carts in question were specifically weed vapes, not nicotine vapes, which are actually more different than you may think. Not only was that not a problem with nic vapes ever, it hasn’t been a problem with homemade weed carts since that one incident (which IIRC was caused by one singular dumbass in WI or MN) either.

    There still are “black market carts” for both weed and nic, but they’ve learned not to use vitamin a and are now mostly just regular ol’ knockoffs.

    That said however, that’s why it’s always better to use a refillable vape with a bottle of juice over a disposable, they usually don’t counterfeit bottles opting instead for dispos, and even if they did it’s easy to make your own juice so you know what you put inside.

  • twice a day for just a month

    It’s empirical, but I’ve been vaping steadily all day every day since I switched from my 2 pack a day newport habit around 2013ish, give or take a year. Last time I went to the doctor he said I had the healthiest lungs he’d seen in a while.

    I was as surprised as you are, frankly. Mostly because of the ports in the past but I guess it’s been long enough since then to heal up my surfboard lung. I mean I did notice marked improvement in my ability to breathe about a month or two into the switch, and my ability to smell things came back shortly thereafter, and then the doc visit was years after that, so maybe I shouldn’t have been surprised but I digress. In any case 2x daily for a month is pussy numbers, gotta bump those up, try 200 times a day for 10yr and your doc will say your lungs look great if they’re anything like mine.

  • Honestly, I don’t have much of a problem with them even vaping nicotine, especially once we’re talking high school (ages 14-18.) They’re already not allowed to buy it, that’s enough. Sure, sometimes they’ll evade the law and get it, they’ll do it with white claws too, should we ban those? No, and you’d be hard pressed to find some teetotaler to say “yes” to that, but for some reason that goes right out the window when it’s not “the thing they did as kids” but “the new thing they don’t understand.”

    I’d be willing to bet flavored alcohol is more damaging to a young brain, more addictive (or at least on par) with nicotine, and what’s more you can actually die from alcohol (and benzo, which the kids are getting too btw, very illegally) withdrawals, but are we banning Ciroc and Xanax and applying the flavor ban logic unilaterally or are we just singling out the vapes because the big pharma and tobacco lobbies successfully propagandized people into doing their bidding in a war against the most effective smoking cessation method on record to date?

  • It’s preposterous. First of all, you aren’t my mother, you don’t get to decide what other adults do with their own goddamn body, this includes “inhale flavoring.”

    Now with that out of the way: The flavor bans are not for kids, kids are also banned from the “tobacco” flavors as well, the bans are targeted at the customers and legally that is supposed to be only adults. And as me and the other guy you’re responding to are proof of, it isn’t the yummy flavor that originally attracted us to things like removeding Marlboro Reds as children, and the flavor that was present was not a deterrent. Frankly, if we’re banning good flavored ecigs because “kids who aren’t supposed to get them anyway want them more” then so too must we ban flavored vodkas like Ciroc, and hard ciders, white claws, most mixed cocktails, hell even sour beers and delicious trappist ales are too sweet, any alcoholic beverage that doesn’t taste like an oak barrel has to go, because adults can’t like good flavors so those must be to entice children to buy them even though just like the vape store the sign on the liquor store door says “must be 21 to enter.”

    The point of the flavor ban is to make it so that adults who are legally able to buy it in the first place have a less enjoyable experience trying to quit or switch from analogue cigarettes, and as a result are more likely to go back to the cigarettes. It was lobbied for by the big tobacco and pharma corps, you’re spreading their propaganda unwittingly.

    Regular full flavored vape juice is by far the most effective and successful smoking cessation or harm reduction tool available to us to date, better than patches, gums, pills, yadda yadda. The tobacco corps want you using their products, and big pharma wants you to take Chantix, they do not want you vaping because they want to take your money while they kill you, and they can’t do that if you have something that is 95% safer than their arsenic and fiberglass sticks and tastes like Pineapples.