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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • One of the big disadvantages we have is that we’re still somewhat under-developed, due to being newish still, alongside not having corporate-levels of resources to pour into development.

    This leaves us open to things like the recent spam flood. These things will get ironed out over time, but until they do, they’ll inevitably harm the platform’s growth.

    In just the past 6 months though, apps have rolled out and steadily improved, some security issues have been addressed, and larger communities have built-out their admin capacity. So, we’re approaching being primed for growth, but that recent spam flood took me aback for a second.

    You want to make a strong first impression, since it carries a lot of influence and you only get one shot. So, before we really do heavy campaigning to try to draw people, we want to make sure they’ll have a good experience while they’re here. I think we’re close, but not quite there yet.

    Progress has been steady and overall positive though. One thing I think that gets underestimated is the importance of the size of our body of old content, and how much it helps to grow that. The meme communities having pages and pages of memes to scroll, the news communities having articles on everything in triplicate, the tech communities having thousands of interesting old convos to look at, the art communities being crammed full of art, etc etc.

    That body of old stuff ends up being a kind of bedrock that future users will be more interested in building off of. Then the niche communities will start to pop more imo.

  • Candelestine@lemmy.worldtoData Is Beautiful@lemmy.mlNew gender gap
    8 months ago

    Liberal in the traditional sense, as in, believing in liberty, I’m being technical. Not meaning “leftist” the way the word has been rebranded by right-leaners. So, their adoption of “no rules” is ultra-liberal, or libertarian perhaps.

    And all social consequences are social. Drawing a distinction between legal and social is arbitrary. Suffering is suffering, and employing it to control dissenting voices is fundamentally illiberal. If you can prevent certain messages from appearing on your platform, you have successfully executed a form of control.

    Thus, their ultra-liberty is an illusion. It’s not real.

  • Candelestine@lemmy.worldtoData Is Beautiful@lemmy.mlNew gender gap
    8 months ago

    So, I’m not a woman, nor am I overly feminine, and I still call out toxic bullremoved when I see it. If you want to say the problem is women/feminists though, fine whatever, if we cleaned up our own removed first, we might be able to make that stick. But when we’re bastards and they’re bitches, and we complain, we’re kinda the removeded up ones, y’know? Since we were supposed to be strong in the first place.

    Unless you just think life is removed and everyone should get used to it. Then, just move to Russia or something, for everyone’s sake.

  • Candelestine@lemmy.worldtoData Is Beautiful@lemmy.mlNew gender gap
    8 months ago

    No, it is specifically illiberal spaces that encourage more toxic masculinity, in a bit of a cycle. While the space itself may be extremely liberal and rules-free, a local culture can take over and enforce those same toxic norms in place of any set of rules. And frequently does. While the space may be ostensibly liberal, in effect it is not, due to the behavior of its community.

    This is the majority of mens spaces, unfortunately. Online anyway.

  • Candelestine@lemmy.worldtoData Is Beautiful@lemmy.mlNew gender gap
    8 months ago

    So, spaces that encourage toxic masculinity do exist, and they are fully aware of their ruination. See: 4chan.org.

    edit: I see some of the confusion here, since 4chan is seemingly liberal, due to having no formal rules. However, that is an illusion. A man is not actually free to say anything they like without consequences there. It’s just that the norms will be enforced by the community, instead of any kind of authority. This is not actual liberty and freedom, simply indoctrination cloaked in an illusion of freedom.

    Real freedom would allow a man to express something like sympathy, or being against gamergate, and express that opinion in peace. The reality of such spaces does not actually permit this.

    It seems liberal and free, but in effect it is not. This is similar to how Trump seems to be strong sometimes, but in reality is weak and cowardly. Toxic masculinity loves its illusions.

  • Candelestine@lemmy.worldtoData Is Beautiful@lemmy.mlNew gender gap
    8 months ago

    Liberal, as in, believing in liberty. Freedom. How many mens spaces do you know of, where a man is completely free to open up, with full liberty and freedom from immediate consequences, about feelings they may have inside of them?

    There’s actually not a lot. It’s a reflection of masculine indoctrination, where men in many places are made to feel like they almost need to be ready to become a soldier at any moment. Guarded, careful. It’s no good, unless your country is actually at war.

  • I’m also likely to switch to kbin at some point. Personally I take a fairly long-term view of this project, so I’m waiting to see which projects keep going, which fail, and which new ones haven’t even popped up yet. I’m aware that devs can pivot and change their minds about things.

    I picked lemmy initially more or less at random, and I do like it here, but I’m ultimately going to move to the most functional product. That broader idea of the Fediverse is why I’m here.