The real deal y0

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 16th, 2023

  • Thats interresting, thanks! Stuff for me to look into!
    I also think halfway through the conversation i might have given the impression i was talking about pointers, while it was not my intention to do so. That said, the readonly/mutable reference thing is very interresting!
    Ill look into what rust does/has that is like the following psuedocode :

    DataBaseUser variable1 = GetDataBaseUser(20);
    variable1 = null; // or free?
    [end of function scope here, reference to heap now in list ]

  • Thanks for the response. Ive heard of rust’s compiler being very smart and checking a ton of stuff. Its good thing it does, but i feel like there are things that can cause this issues rust cant catch. Cant put my finger on it.
    What would rust do if you have a class A create something on the heap, and it passes this variable ( by ref ? ) to class B, which saves the value into a private variable in class B. Class A gets out of scope, and would be cleaned up. What it put on the heap would be cleaned up, but class B still has a reference(?) to the value on the heap, no? How would rust handle such a case?

  • Oh wait, youre giving me great theoretical ideas here. I didnt think about it untill now but ( atleast in central europe ) a lot of cosplayers use eva in its foam form to craft a lot of their costumes or props. If a printable eva exists, they would no longer need to do the cutting and puzzling of eva foam boards. Print it like how you need it!
    I can see why you wrote a paper on it and is very cool to hear about!
    Also never heard the stratasys story before lol