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  • 5 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023

  • Well on firefox/chrome extensions you can search for text expander and choose an extension that works for you.

    Or if you are using a phone you can do the same on the app store and I think there should be a few options.

    Once you download one of them it should give instructions on how to use it, but in general it asks you to create a phrase that you want to be automatically triggered and a shorter phrase that automatically replaced with the longer phrase.

    For example-

    long phrase: The quick brown fox jumped over the moon.

    short phrase: /qfox

    and every time you typed /qfox it would replace it with “The quick brown fox jumped over the moon.”

    Anti Commercial-AI license (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

  • I don’t see how you could prematurely know about spammers or trolls until someone reports them.

    I don’t think you can. My suggestion was more focused on how admins make decisions after a report. Right now they have to do a manual scan of the person’s comment history and that is the part I find inefficient. If it was possible to just show extra high level information on the user it might make it easier for the admin to make a decision.

    We don’t plan on adding any text-analyzing AI or anything like that into lemmy’s codebase.

    Yeah using AI to try and analyze comments would be overkill and probably prone to manipulation anyways.

    Edit: I’m sorta talking more specifically towards banning a user or seeing if what a user is doing is a repeated pattern.