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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Most often I’ve seen instances use as super communities. Largely revolving around a bigger topic. KDE runs their own with their own subcommunities for instance. They are far from the only ones. Just the one I use the most and a came to mind first. Having your own instance slap server allows you far more control over your communities then just hosting on someone else’s server. But from an end user perspective very largely transparent. not even being noticeable oftentimes.

  • I have an ancient HP laptop with an AMD CPU and vega graphics. It is legit one of my favorite systems to use Linux on. I have desktop towers with gpus that would run circles around it. But they’re Nvidia so that means I can’t use Wayland or the experience gets very unstable. This little laptop. It just cruises light fast and efficient. And though not up for modern gaming, still does respectable.

  • Yep. They were claiming that Putin invaded Ukraine to stop fascists. And that they were liberators. I was like, why would one fascist care what other fascists do? In the US, our fascist, wealthy Republicans largely supported Hitler till pearl harbor. But I did agree with them that the Soviet Union absolutely liberated many countries against their will post WWII. And that those countries still hold it against them to this day.

    The gulags were mentioned and they were like, but but but America jails more! To which I told them that was bad. But the West doesn’t kill millions of prisoners the way they did. And all for political dissent, reminding them of just two weeks ago when Putin had Navalny killed for political dissent.

    The absurd thing is, I’m one hundred percent down for Marxism. And largely agree politically with his theory plus some modernization. So technically we would agree on a lot of things there. It’s just the Engles and Lenin bullremoved I disagree with, and has shown to have failed. Or caused their downfall historically. But they are primarily leninists, dedicated ideologically to authoritarians and strongmen above all reality.

  • Windows has a filesystem hierarchy. It’s super similar to the *nix filesystem hierarchy because that’s what Microsoft mimicked with nominal differences.

    /home/username is the same as \users\username

    /bin is similarly what \windows is.

    /sbin is \ProgramFiles

    /etc is your windows registry. Only you can easily edit it with nearly anything. And it’s generally hyper documented. Unlike the windows registry.

    Gnome and KDE both provide fairly polished GUI for 80% or more of what an average user is likely to need to encounter. There is generally no need to sideload. In fact, the concept doesn’t really exist. You are the system admin. You are root. There is no one to circumvent on your system but yourself. 90% of the software you could ever want will be within a distros repository. But these days you can download app images, flat packs, etc. That allow programs to be run on multiple different systems as long as they’re binary compatible. Because those containers pull along all dependencies needed to run said applications. But even then depending upon the app etc you can still pull from other distribution, repositories etc sometimes . Under Arch. I have had things installed from the aur that turned out to be Deb files that it downloaded extracted and then dropped the files in the right place. However, that can only be done when required libraries are met. If the versions differ by too much. Which can easily happen between different versions of the same distribution, let alone other distributions. That won’t work. It’s like the missing dll files under Windows.

    The Wayland xorg issues. If you need “just works” that’s going to still be Xorg for a while to come. Though many distributions are moving to Wayland being a first class choice since it has come far enough. I have only had Wayland issues with two programs ATM. And only one of those is common, and the issue mostly cosmetic. Window decorations missing on Firefox. And that may be down to my chosen window decorations. The other is an obscure 3d game primarily made for Windows since 2004. That does have a Linux version. But under Wayland currently it goes seizure mode.

    Linux already has mass adoption. (Servers) Desktop adoption is only a hurdle because of monopolistic anti competitive practices from Microsoft and Apple. A lot of that specifically due to momentum from Microsoft. They actively punished integrators that attempted to ship any OS but windows. And it’s largely stuck around that way. A lot of the first party SI that still exists offer zero non windows solutions to home users to this day because of it. There are SI that do provide it. But they are often rather niche and fairly unknown. System 76 being one of them. It’s very little to do with command line etc. Only when system integrators all start offering it as a general choice will the home user see much change.

  • I wouldn’t doubt it. How many Americans apologize for our system despite the long history of continuing genocide. Overthrowing governments, occupying countries, or just funding international terrorism. How about British colonizers?

    I’d still say the US is better, but only just. Naomi has seen a lot of improvement with society there in her life. I don’t have the video where she went into detail handy. Or know if it is even still up. But it’s worth a watch if you haven’t seen it. Are things great there? No. But they are much better for many of them despite their oppressive government.

    Unfortunately Naomi’s S.O. is uyghur. And despite all the progress minorities like her have seen in China, uyghurs haven’t. And even her mild criticism of the government over it. Brought their ire.

  • Eldritch@lemmy.worldtoLinux@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    6 months ago

    The teams have very different visions. Basically incompatible at a core level. From the very basic UI libraries. KDE uses QT, a pretty open source friendly tool kit, but IIRC not actually open source itself. Gnome uses GTK. The g in GTK originally referring to Gimp.

    Gnome itself has traditionally had a much more apple way of doing things. If you venture outside of that. Things can break easily. And at a base level there are things gnome is kind of reluctant to do UI wise. That said, it’s simple and works well. KDE is kind of jack of all trades master of none. But it still does. All them quite well. If you want to mimic Mac OS. You absolutely can right down to the theme panel placements etc. If you want to emulate windows it’ll do that perfectly too. If you want to look like gnome. Yup. If you wanted to look like some unholy abomination the world was never meant to see. They got you covered as well. In fact, I think Garuda Linux comes default with that.

    However, choice is never a bad thing. And there’s no real reason for them to merge. They run side by side. Quite brilliantly. And I even find myself popping back and forth from one to the other randomly. Your issue with snappiness under KDE could be a couple of things. There are a lot of configurable settings under the hood. You can decrease animation times etc etc etc. Which will often give a feeling of snappiness things just moving faster. But at a more fundamental level. Gnome has been a bit better optimized for use under Wayland etc. Which most distributions are moving towards. Which greatly increases the performance and responsiveness of many things. KDE has been lacking in at department. Though early this year we may see a solution to that. In the meantime though, sit back relax. Enjoy both and compute how you like.

  • Again, I agree. Though I think it’s important to acknowledge a difference between social revolutions such as unionization where workers organize to have their voice represented against much bigger powers. And Marshall revolution. Of course, when peaceful protests becomes impossible, violent revolution becomes inevitable. Which is what happened initially with many of the ML experiments. Russia overthrowing the tzar China overthrowing the emperor etc. the problem is, when the external threat was gone. They turned on themselves.

    The problem is, especially where Marxist leninists are concerned. And can be readily viewed through the lens of their use of Engles “on authority” as a crutch. They were ultimately intellectually, morally bereft. Becoming the monsters they said they’d eliminate. Forcefully annexing millions without their consent. And killing many more millions simply for their dissent. Something we must acknowledge if we’re to un-hypocritically call out capitalism and capitalists.

    When it comes to winning people over. We should be able to do it with words, not weapons as a rule. If you can’t, either they’re paid not to understand. Or your ideas are lacking.