Can confirm, I had a heck of a time figuring out Bluetooth and sound myself. The distro I was using came with Bluetooth hard disabled and PulseAudio by default. The wiki, these four packages, and setting my Bluetooth to autostart on login got everything working with minimal hassle.
IF you needed the storage and badly, then I remember Hiren’s BootCD used to come with a tool to scan for and quarantine bad sectors. However, this is just a bandaid on top of an infected wound.
The wound will keep spreading, eating up precious backup files. I’ve only ever used quarantining once on my mother in law’s laptop because she had to wait weeks to get a new drive, due to the Philippines flooding back then.
Also, this was an old copy of BootCD that ran through terminal prompt, not a built in Windows PE, and I believe the tool I used has been removed. However, it seems to be replaced with a few alternatives.