• 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: January 1st, 2023


  • Someone buys an expensive car. They say “I cant use the railway!” Are you going to tell them they’re wrong?

    Yes. Because they are.

    We dont know if they live next to a railway line. They’re also heavily invested in the car and unlikely to pay out for rail tickets.

    None of which indicates they “can’t use the railway”. It may not be their preferred travel method, which is fine (in the metaphorical sense), but to say they “can’t” use the railway is simply untrue.

  • OP said “the software and driver support isn’t there”.

    Someone replied and corrected them to explain the software and driver support does in fact exist.

    OP replied to say that what he actually meant was that it didn’t support the specific software and driver they wanted to use.

    Seems like a perfectly reasonable conversation.

  • Brainlet response.

    Dafuq is a “brainlet”?

    Getting popup ads is a far cry from “just browsing,”

    I don’t know what part of this you’re not getting but you have to be browsing in order to get an ad, so it has absolutely everything to do with browsing, despite your insistence to the contrary.

    that seemed to coincide with whether or not I was clicking the ads.

    Wait you actually clicked the ads?

    mad shilling comments

    God I just love these comments. As if no one can actually genuinely like a product and any correction of disinformation makes you a “shill”… such big brain energy over here.

    how not a single one of them addresses the carbon copy “BRowSeR tHAT PaYS YoU!!!” reviews.

    Because we don’t care. We don’t read reviews from randoms online. We listen to experienced privacy and security advocates, and we actually use the browsers ourselves.