• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I believe zfs has deduplication built in if you want a separate backup partition. Not sure about its reliability though. Personally I just have a script that keeps a backup and an oldbackup, and they are both fairly small. I keep a file in my home dir called excluded for things like linux ISOs that don’t need backed up.

  • I wouldn’t switch to mint from debian. Freebsd could be worth trying, but I would play with it in a VM first. I am not knowledgeable about BSD’s, but there are others if you were unaware. They have similar names but I think netBSD and freebsd exist. FYI, BSD isn’t linux if you were unaware. Your phrasing suggested that you might think it is so I wanted to let you know.

    Newer kernels are great if you need bleeding edge hardware or filesystems, but for your use case I really think debian is the way to go.

    I would like to suggest you throw Fedora into the mix, or even opensuse if you want to try an rpm based distro. Opensuse has a leap flavor which is stable like debian. Fedora is fairly stable, but has regular releases (2 a year) so you also get more current software.

    Sorry to throw more options into the mix, but those are fairly simple and mainstream options (fedora is more mainstream fyi) but they are worth considering.

  • I would recommend trying other distros in a VM to see how you like them. Arch gets updates really fast, so stuff does break. A point release distro will also have updates that break them, but they will be at scheduled times and usually the old one is supported for a while. Also, fedora has hyprland as a package. It may be rpmfusion, but you should be able to install with dnf install hyprland.

  • Well I tried an opencl benchmark I found, and my computer has removedied a major wucky… Edit: reboot fixed it but it seems opencl is super unstable on here. I ran hashcat again, this time with --force, and found that it did nothing, then there were weird colors, then plasmashell crashed. Luckily plasmashell has good crash handling and it was able to go back up so I could see that hashcat reported something about gpu hang being the reason for the crash.

  • I tried both suggestions, as well as running it without the variables changed. On all three of them, hashcat said “Device #3: Unstable OpenCL driver detected!” when I ran hashcat -I (device info if your not familiar with hashcat). I tried running the benchmark, and it crashed saying “Device #1: Kernel /usr/lib64/hashcat/OpenCL/shared.cl build failed.”

    Edit: I looked, and I don’t see a package called rocm-ocl, nor can I install one. Edit2: Wait nvm, I see rocm-opencl, and I assume that’s it.