Calculator Manipulator

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Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: April 16th, 2019


  • dire problems, including those that accumulate over time

    That’s not a thing. You create problems over time by experimening in what is, effectively, production load. If all you ever did was install any distro and kept it up to date - not much can break. Granted - removed happens, but it’s incredibly rare.

    As an example - I’ve set up my mail server in May 2019. Chose archlinux, because I never wanted to go through a big upgrade. The only exta software installed there is mail-server related. Direct from the repos. I’ve become confident enough that now there’s a nightly cronjob to update the system with a hook to reboot if kernel or init gets updated.

    In all those 5 a bit years I’ve had one issue where I hqd to revert a kernel update.

    Another example is tang on an ubuntu server. This was at a previous workplace, but essentially it’s a piece of software from the repos. Originally installed on 16.04, has gone without reprovisioning all the way to 22.04. I’ve now left the company, but I hear it’s still running.

    Upgrading an ubuntu desktop fleet with a myriad of custom software, on the other hand… let’s just not talk about it.

  • I’m not the best person to query about backups, but in your situation I would do the following, assuming both server and desktop run on BTRFS:

    Have a script on the desktop that starts btrfs-receive and then notifies the server that it should start btrfs-send.

    You can also do rsync if BTRFS is not a thing you use, but It would either be expensive storage wise, or you would only ever have 1 backup - latest.

  • Illecors@lemmy.cafetoFediverse@lemmy.worldThe Fediverse
    3 months ago

    I’ve been running mine for just over 5 years now - initial setup was ass, but it’s very much hands off now - email simply doesn’t change anymore.

    If you have a domain to test - I can host it for you. If you then decide that it works well enough for you - I’ll show you how to set it up on your own server.

  • It is that deal from 2006(?) or so. Agreeing to not be sued for an exchange of money is dodgy. Add the competition which was not offered the same deal; add in the environment which was drastically different; it was a removed thing to do. Purely a business decision. I understand why the shareholders wanted that, but that doesn’t make it right nor desirable for me.

    Granted, nothing came out of it in the end and Linux managed to get itself established in a way where one could argue is close to impossible to get rid of it, but I feel like this deal is similar to getting stabbed - the one being stabbed will always bear a scar and remember, while others will forget over time. People growing up after this deal will never have experienced the mood and environment of that time which only makes it more difficult to understand why it was a big deal.

  • Illecors@lemmy.cafetoLinux@lemmy.mlLinux in the corporate space
    9 months ago

    I’m lucky enough to be in a company where Windows is banned by the CEO. Granted, there are 4 (I believe) exceptions, but the vast majority of employees have an Ubuntu workstation and everyone has a macbook. A bit of a shame this macbook thing, really. A 2 grand thin client to ssh into my desktop when working remotely :D

    The exceptions being client testing envs.

  • Illecors@lemmy.cafetoLinux@lemmy.mlIs it actually dangerous to run Firefox as root?
    9 months ago

    Sorry, this is very much a PEBKAC issue. This is a excerpt from my tmux config:

    # Start windows and panes at 1, not 0
    set -g base-index 1
    setw -g pane-base-index 1
    # Use Alt-arrow keys without prefix key to switch panes
    bind -n M-Left select-pane -L
    bind -n M-Right select-pane -R
    bind -n M-Up select-pane -U
    bind -n M-Down select-pane -D
    # Shift arrow to switch windows
    bind -n S-Left  previous-window
    bind -n S-Right next-window
    # No delay for escape key press
    set -sg escape-time 0
    # Increase scrollback buffer size from 2000 to 50000 lines
    set -g history-limit 50000
    # Increase tmux messages display duration from 750ms to 4s
    set -g display-time 4000
    # Bind pane creation keys to reuse current directory
    bind % split-window -h -c "#{pane_current_path}"
    bind '"' split-window -v -c "#{pane_current_path}"

    I hope the comments are self explanatory.

    Scrolling works with Ctrl+b Page Up/Down. There are other shortcuts, but this is probably the most obvious. q to quit scrolling.

    Ctrl+b d to detach from a session. tmux a to attach. As always, many options are available to have many named sessions running simultaneously, but that is for a later time.

  • Illecors@lemmy.cafetoLinux@lemmy.mlIs it actually dangerous to run Firefox as root?
    9 months ago

    I don’t know the specifics on Fedora’s installer, but normally that question is about disabling root account, not logging into a DE.

    Not sure what else to elaborate here. There’s a bunch of code that is not tested to be run as root. A whole class of exploits becomes unavailable, if you stick to an unprivileged user.

    Say there’s some exploit that allows some component of KDE to be used to read a file. If it’s running under an unprivileged user - it sucks. Everything in user’s homedir becomes fair game. But if it runs as root - it’s simply game over. Everything on the system is accessible. All config, all bad config, files of all applications (databases come to mind). Everything.

  • Is it actually dangerous to run Firefox as root?

    Yes, very. This is not specific to Firefox, but anything running as root gets access to everything. Only one thing has to go wrong for the whole system to get busted.

    usually logged into KDE Plasma as root.

    Please don’t do this! DEs are not tested to be run as root! Millions of lines of code are expected to not have access to anything they shouldn’t have and as such might be built to fail quietly if accessing something they shouldn’t in the first place. Same thing applies to Firefox, really.