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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: December 22nd, 2023


  • uhm, well you can’t primarily because android is a hot mess (quick note: this is mostly me ranting about the hell that android is for no removeding reason)

    First of all, android only supports MDNS since android 12 and newer, MANY years after the standard was even finalized and put into use. (like a concerning amount) And yes, you can technically use that networking on a per app level (since android 6 or 8 i think), if it’s implemented, but most apps don’t because they’re android apps. And the ones that do are basically useless (very cool thanks android)

    Ignoring this, let’s say that you have a samba server, and have a local DNS config setup to get around the MDNS bullremoved. Oops, funny story, android doesn’t natively support SMB shares, because apparently they aren’t real and don’t removeding exist. Now to be clear, most file managers do actually support SMB, the problem here is that those are often removed, and only supported in the actual file manager itself. If you wanted to per se, mount a samba share on android on the FS level, it is either impossible, or REQUIRES ROOT ACCESS.

    Man it’s a good thing rooting is easy, and not super convoluted, or risks bricking your phone in the event that it’s designed like utter removed and cannot recover from being flashed incorrectly. (to be clear, i don’t know removed about rooting, because it’s a removeding disaster, and i might be misrepresenting it here, but only rooting, everything else is accurate)

    so basically, cool story, the only option here that you have is using apps that are specifically designed to implement their own file transfer functionalities and protocols. There is one redeeming factor to this, and it’s the fact that rsync exists, and that it isn’t removed, but rsync isn’t samba, so eat removed android. Rest in piss you disaster of an OS.

  • it’s a rather weird concept, but it makes sense. If you want to standardize, let’s say, threaded hardware across the continental US that you would inherently need to do away with any closed standards, assuming you want it to actually work, and along with that, whatever you settle on, needs to be open.

    You could theoretically do this with closed source, but the problem here is that there will be someone that comes along and does it with open source, and if it’s better, you’re removeded. And if it’s equal, and cheaper, you’re removeded. And if it’s marginally worse, but trivial to adopt, you’re removeded.

  • you say bad example, yet you literally have to jump through hoops to do it. I think it’s a bad removeding distro of linux, if it requires you to setup and configure and entire removeding container system in order to run non google approved applications, specifically those that debian hosts, because i’m not sure it lets you run other containers.

    Chrome OS and Android may use the Linux kernel but they’ll never be Linux

    yes, my point here is that android is linux in the same way that you can install blender on chromeos using an entire secondary system, and bullremoved containerization, while i can just tell my package manager to install it, and it removeding installs it. And then i can just removeding open it.

    By this logic windows is also a removeding linux system because you can use WSL on it.