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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • The problem is that their point is nonsense.

    This isn’t a long-standing problem being persistently ignored, this is a test flight designed specifically to discover such problems. They were so keen to test how the system handled problems like this that they deliberately damaged the heat shield before the flight (somewhere other than where this particular problem occurred).

    The implication that this partial failure of the heat shield is damning evidence of negligence is either ignorant or deliberately deceptive

  • What they’re suggesting is to back up the whole disk, rather than any single partition. Anything you do to the partition to try and recover it has the potential to make a rescuable situation hopeless. If you have a copy of the exact state of every single bit on the drive, then you can try and fix it safe in the knowledge that you can always get back to exactly where you are now if you make it worse

  • I’m pretty sure comments get sent back to your instance, so comments from instance B will work just fine.

    I have no idea whether instance B will propogate things which have been federated to it though.

    It’s also not obvious that an instance you’re not federated with can’t do their half of the federating, if they’re so inclined, and show content from instances which choose to defederate. At the end of the day you’d have to trust all involved to put in some effort to respect the decision to defederate