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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • I appreciate your perspective but will have to respectfully disagree.

    My position has evolved as I’ve spent more time as a user in the fediverse and federated protocols such as ActivityPub. The fediverse needs to stay purpose-driven, and not profit-driven. I just don’t see how a for-profit entity can be good stewards of the protocol, their priorities cannot begin or end with anything but return on investment. Even if they were to provide some seed money to other fediverse projects. If their users never migrate to not-for-profit providers, if they never fully federate the other direction, if they fork AP instead of sticking to spec; have we gained anything by federating with them?

    Sure seems like by federating with Meta, we just are allowing them to co-opt AP as their version of Bluesky’s ATProto. Those of us on AP that aren’t on threads just become the “data privacy zealots” that aren’t @threads.net and are fenced off from the rest of the network by default. Not unlike the people running their own PDS on bluesky. Federated but not decentralized, isn’t the mission of the fediverse IMO.

    But this still begs the opposite question, have we gained anything by de-federating with threads? I sure hope my ideals of a not-for-profit social web, are not as pie-in-the-sky as they seem.

  • I have totally deleted all my Reddit contributions (still squatting on the username) and so I can’t really answer whether mentioning lemmy gets your comment shadow banned. We don’t really need more redditors, just need to wait for the first scandal and people will start googling “Reddit” alternatives (which ironically are all Reddit threads) and Lemmy is at the top of most of those lists. People should come here organically

  • That’s the problem. I can see a future where very few users and trolls “opt-in” to fediverse integration and for a while meta doesn’t rock the boat and actually contributes to the fediverse as a whole.

    But Zuck would have us under ransom. All he has to do, if the fediverse starts threatening his business is turn on all accounts for federation, and it would quickly overwhelm the small independent operators. The fediverse would essentially be controlled by meta.

    It’s the parable of the frog and the scorpion

  • I absolutely agree with everything in this post, I’m am just now learning about this but I’m really disappointed to hear that this happened.

    I have looked past a lot of the toxic behavior of certain segment of neurotic individuals on the fediverse because I believe in the idea of protocols instead of platforms and user ownership of their data.

    But add this to another example of zealots for privacy and “stopping harassment” being bigger bullies than the people they are supposedly against

  • ActivityPub doesn’t guarantee your post gets taken down on other instances after you delete it. Federation with another site isn’t more a less trustworthy just because it uses AP proper or a bridge.

    I think that everyone being on the same protocol is better for compatibility and UX but I think bridges can have their place for those who choose to use them until then.

  • Maybe because I don’t use Lemmy at real bot hours, I haven’t seen them. Maybe see a spam bot every other day.

    I also tend to sort by top 6 hours or top 12 hours so a lot of low effort content gets filtered out.

    I also don’t consider people who make off the wall comments or hold opinions I disagree with or think are uniformed or stupid as trolls.

    The other thing is that I comment with the philosophy that not every comment signifies a response and so if a reply is a troll or in bad faith, I just keep scrolling.