Count Regal Inkwell

Nerd|Furry|Linux User|Ace|BiRomantic|Taken <3

Leftist with an incorrigible love for fancy aesthetics (mostly Renaissance Italy/Victorian England) that might be incorrectly read as a monarchist because of that.

Unicorn, but also occasionally gryphon.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • After doing some sniffing: Yes AND no

    The default “gaming mode” that the Deck boots into is running wayland, specifically valve’s own gamescope compositor which has a lot of workarounds and breaks from wayland’s spec to allow for better gaming performance.

    When you quit out to “desktop mode” it loads into KDE Plasma with X11, although with recent changes to Plasma, it may well be that the desktop mode will change to being wayland based too.

  • I feel like a lot of the reason people are hesitant to hop into Linux is because of how everything that goes “under the hood” requires a bunch of terminal commands and text file changes.

    Ironic, then, that I learned how to Linux the hard way – In distros that expected exactly that from me. I cut my teeth in Arch and its siblings and sure, I can do that.

    But it’S SO MUCH FASTER AND EASIER to just click a few buttons and then removed just works. YaST is bliss.

    Like. DUDE. I don’t have to edit some files and then clench my asshole for 55 seconds while rebooting when I change a few entries in Grub.

    And Zypper actually CHECKS what processes are running and what packages you’re installing, and actually tells you if you do or don’t need a reboot, instead of a blanket “hmmmm we updated, should probably reboot but idfk, that’s your problem now” which is what both apt and pacman gave me.

    Quality of Life, it’s really underrated.

  • Imma be honest. I never used Snap. I had left ubuntu long before they started rolling it out.

    That said, hearing they redirect apt calls to snap instead feels – A bit too microsofty for my tastes

    Like, when you use a flatpak (or even a snap!) in a non-ubuntu distro, you’re not forced to use it. And if the same package exists on both the repo and on flatpak/snap, you CAN choose to get it from any of the three sources. Forcing people into snap is weird and scummy.

    I have heard that snap is slower than flatpak, but also that it can do some stuff flatpak cannot, but again, didn’t test enough to know it.

  • Cheeky answer:

    Actual answer:
    Theoretically anyway, open source software’s guarantee of “no backdoor” is that the code is auditable, and you could study it and know if it has any holes and where. Of course, that presumes that you have the knowledge AND time to actually go and study thousands of lines of code. Unrealistic.
    Slightly less guaranteed but still good enough to calm my mind, is the idea that there is a whole-ass community of people who do know their removed and who are constantly checking this.

    Do note that like. Closed source software is known to be backdoored, only, the backdoors are mostly meant for either the owners of the software (check the fine print folks) or worse, the governments.

    The biggest thing that you should note is that: It is unlikely that you (or I or most of the people here) are interesting enough that anyone will actually exploit those vulnerabilities to personally removed you over. Your photos aren’t interesting enough except as part of a mass database (which is why Google/Facebook want them). Same for your personal work data and removed.

    Unless those backdoors could be used to turn your machine into a zombie for some money-making scheme (crypto or whatever) OR you’re connected to people in power OR you personally piss off someone who is a hacker – it is very unlikely you’ll get screwed over due to those vulnerabilities :P

  • Personally, I feel like you can have fun on fedi, but it all depends on the accounts/communities you follow. My Sharkey feed AND my Lemmy feed are both full of memes, fandom nonsense, and removedposts. If you only follow serious communities and people that talk about serious news, you’ll have a serious time.

    That said, one thing that I thought was unpleasant about the fediverse, and then realised was a feature rather than a bug is… The fact that you can run out of fediverse content. After 2 hours on Lemmy, I have functionally read all of Lemmy (or, well, all the communities I care to read), and maybe 1 more hour to join conversations I’d like to join.

    Compared to the seemingly infinite content stream of The Other Sites ™, this initially struck me as bad and weird, but then I realised… I actually prefer it this way. Doomscrolling a fedi site/app is actually not possible, and that has done wonders for my mental health.

  • The problem with this is that it isn’t really decentralized equally. has most of the users and getting defederated from them is essentially a death sentence in terms of content and engagement.

    Self-resolving issue here. If people hop away from LW due to LW making decisions they don’t like, LW will cease being the one-go-to-place for stuff. Which is good, it shouldn’t be. No one instance should be “the main instance”. The right way to use federation is each person & community should make their home at a place where they vibe just right with the fed admins. It’s even good for LW itself as it reduces the burden on its server and the workload for its admins.

    Also also – Defederation is a far more nuanced thing than just “is block”. There is more than one tool that can be used by an ActivityPub admin.

    If LW defederates from your home instance – You can still manually follow communities that are in LW AND interact with them (unless the admins go out of their way to ALSO block USERS from your home instance), as “defederated from the instance” just removes it from the global timeline/global community search.

    What happened here, though, wasn’t defederation, it was a block, and a block on two specific communities, which outright prevents viewing & interacting with content from those communities from within LW. Which brings me to: LW’s block on the piracy communities from dbzer0 doesn’t stop LW users from interacting with dbzer0 as a whole. Or vice-versa. Only with stuff from the piracy coms.

  • Yeah like.

    This isn’t reddit dot com opaquely purging your favourite subreddit for some unspecific corporate reason.

    The admins stated quite clearly why they are blocking it (“we don’t want trouble, and our TOS lay out that we’ll defed from illegal removed for our own safety”), and it is their instance. And unlike Reddit – The community is still THERE in its home server. It has not been burninated. – You can just. Make an account elsewhere. It’s free. It takes less than 5 minutes. You can even KEEP your LW account for other communities.

  • Yeah that. And I say it as someone who, on a good day, will go on philosophical rambles about how piracy is in fact the moral thing to do.

    Do people just not get that this is the entire point of a decentralized system?

    Hop accounts, you lil’ bitch. Don’t sit in one server complaining about the owner of that server when you have a billion options.

    And if your priority is the piracy community? Make the server that hosts that your homeserver.

    Or just have more than one account and use an app instead of the default webpage.

    It’s not rocket science. People’s brains are poisoned by centralization. Back in my day everything was its own separate forum with its own separate account and to be honest, it was miles better like that.