isn’t there a mint version with plasma?
isn’t there a mint version with plasma?
my unsolicited 2c is to checkout mint
le false equivalence totally validates my endorsement for the worst president elected in US history
I can tell you how I learned linux. be prepared to cringe.
I installed Linux before going to school, I figured that if I used Linux as my main OS I would be less tempted to dick around and play games
I eventually found a coop part time job as a dev. I used my own Linux machine, and being the star eyed young person I was I used arch.
this is the cringe part:
I learned systemd, Linux kernel modules, dkpg, obviously more familiarity with bash and shell stuff
so moral of the story is… dive in?
there’s nothing about Linux itself that makes the steam game not work. it’s up to he developer to release a binary that supports Linux, most devs who are using tools like unity or unreal probably have the highest realistic chance of making a clean Linux executable
but the way proton works is to use the compiled binary for windows in a way to make it compatible for Linux
The whole arch advantage (imo) is that you have a full understanding of what’s in your machine and how it works.
As a beginner you won’t understand and that’s okay, but you should try different things (or don’t and just focus on what works for you) as long as the end result is you doing: pacman -Qe and going “hmm that makes sense”, and imo the undesired result is going “hmm what do these all do, why do I have 2000+ packages”