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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023


  • I’d expect more acquittals tbh. It was, at the outset, a legal and constitutionally protected protest. I’m still not entirely on board with calling it an insurrection, a coup, etc. but it definitely devolved into a non-peaceful event, and I’m pretty ambivalent when it comes to the prosecutions due to that. They removeded around, they should find out. You don’t wander off with the speaker of the house’s podium and not have the full focus of government come down on your ass.

    I would 100% expect acquittals for anyone who stayed outside though, as a hypothetical condition that might warrant acquittal… That for me would be a solid indicator that their intent was limited to peaceful protest. Could very well be that there were only two people who did so.

    I’d also like to read an article on the acquittals, but I find their presence to be encouraging, and I’m assuming you don’t feel that way.

    On the left side of the fence though, the presence of acquittals, even so few, lends a great deal of credibility to the cases… Does it not? Wasn’t a kangaroo court if it wasn’t 100%, right? I think so anyway :)

  • I mean… I look at this chart, and I see that a single transatlantic flight has more impact than completely eliminating the use of your car?

    I’m with you, but not for any semblance of the same reason :) I’m with you because im a hostler, a commercial driver that just moves cargo around a local yard. We send roughly 400 tons of bulk paper down the road and rails every 12 hour shift. Most of that is used to manufacture goods like cups, straws, and takeout boxes, within roughly 800 miles of here, but the majority of what goes on railcars is bound for Japan… it’s literally going to be transported to the other side of the globe. Japan wants incredibly specific quality paper, and they get it from here. That’s a huge amount of tonnage going across the Pacific, and going by this chart might be roughly equivalent to every single car driven in an entire less populous state. Just the removed I move around the yard here… And then basically everything bought in the US is made in China… all that stuff goes across the Pacific.

    A long haul truck gets 6mpg, and runs 100k miles a year… every truck, every year… A whole ass lifetime worth of fuel for an average commuter in a “gas guzzling” SUV, in a year. One single truck. Every few days one of these trucks comes to your Walmart, your Home Depot, your Costco.

    This chart is peanuts compared to JUST “economy of scale”… Not corporations or manufacturing, just the simple economics of shipping the spork you got at Taco Bell across the Pacific and driving it from the spork warehouse to 2,000 different taco bell joints…

    Your personal carbon footprint is a removeding joke. Not in the sense that you shouldn’t care, but in the sense that what we do individually, despite being incredibly laudable at its own scale, is such a tiny tiny impact at the scale of economy…

    I feel you. Not the way you mean it, but I really do feel you :)