So… no idea what happened but it works again.
Just in case anyone stumbles upon this thread at some point here are my current settings:
I still have the issue that on some screens it shows the keyboard buttons and not the controller buttons but since the controller works anyway I don’t really care (it’s just the optics).
Thanks everyone for your suggestions! :)
Normally regular mode, but I did try big picture with no luck. I also tried Steam overlay on and off. I will try again though all four possibiltues and read up on the GitHub issue thanks!
Any fix?
I only have this one game that I need a controller for
So install back both disks, make a bootable gparted stick and do the cloning from there? The new disk is basically empty save the new file system, but ofc I can just delete that.
I think it’s best to start from scratch since I didn’t lose any data (yet). How would you tackle this move?
Maybe I should start over since I still have the old disk. What would be the best/proper way to swap an older smaller disk for a new larger one?
No UUIDs, only paths. When booting from a live system I noticed /etc/fstab is empty. Also, there where a bunch of partitions on /dev/sda and I can’t see any on /dev/nvme0n1
No not consciously
Yes please do! I was looking at Philips, Vaya etc. but I don’t feel comfortable live streaming my baby to some companies server. I’m hoping to find a solution that lights up if it detects sound (like starts flashing like Vaya).