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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023

  • Yeah it was only a matter of time before you explicitly lumped Indians into the persona non grata list. I always knew you guys would eventually just say “removed all brown people”. This is exactly why Indians born in the West to Indian immigrants have strong solidarity with other brown people regardless of their religion. We don’t trust you conservatives and never will.

    You came invaded our ancestral country, subjugated us, stole our natural resources, and divided us. You still have items you stole from us in your museums. And you have the audacity to say that Indians and Muslims are invading Europe after Europe invaded us and stole from us.

    Naw. This is why we’re on the left. removed you all. If you say we’re invading you, then removed it. We are invading you, and we’ve raised “anchor babies” as sleeper cell spies – and we’re going to save the West from you pathetic conservative colonizers.

  • It’s interesting, because wanting to grow to supersede the corporations can become just like the corporations wanting to grow for profit. The ends don’t justify the means here.

    The idea would be that as people here and see about it more, more people would join, but there’s a lot of assumptions baked into that, including that these people are actually people you want on the platform. Like you mention at the end, racists are going to find a “corporate, government free” space to be their own paradise. And we can’t let that happen.

    I wonder if this would be possible: content from Facebook is not shown on Lemmy, but content from Lemmy can be shown on Facebook. Facebook users can join Lemmy, but there’s an application process for them so we can vet them.

    I’m fine with however things end up, but I do want us to keep in mind that we risk becoming too insular and developing a groupthink. I don’t think it would be a danger to society like conservative ones tend to become, but I don’t want to think Jill Stein has huge support because Lemmy castigates anyone else, for instance.

    I don’t think we’re in that position right now, but it’s one to be wary of.

  • I’m of two minds about this. I have no love for Facebook and Zuk can go removed himself. I want Lemmy to be free of the same removeds that ruined Reddit and formally corporatized it.

    At the same time, I want Lemmy to grow. I don’t want this to be our little corner of the Internet that’s tucked away. I don’t want an information bubble. I want to see user-managed spaces like this grow and overtake the corporate ones.

    So I choose to stay neutral. The two philosophies I described are at odds with each other here. I’ll go with what the majority decides – that’s the whole point of it being user-managed after all. I’ll just say that I think we should give ourselves options to reverse and monitor any changes as time goes on. We need to see how things progress, regardless of what decision we make, so we can course correct if necessary.

  • I find it incredibly annoying. As you implicitly point out, calling everyone to the left a tankie is a great way to dilute the meaning of the word.

    Someone who defends Russia for their actions in the Ukraine War and says the US/West or Ukraine is to blame deserves to be relentlessly derided. But communism in itself is hardly focused on something like that. It’s just a subset of individuals who we should all be calling out.

  • Let me get this straight. You defend the moderation by suggesting that most of the removed comments were offensive or rude. But when someone provides a counterexample to that, you tell them to just go somewhere else if they don’t like the moderation?

    Yeah it’s pretty removeding obvious you’re not acting in good faith here. You don’t see anything wrong with what their mod team does, even if it’s to ban dissenting opinions.

  • Here, let’s do a litmus test. Who is to blame for the Ukraine War? Would you decry the US if they falsely claimed to own most of the Gulf of Mexico and threatened civilian ships? If so, would you also decry China for claiming most of the South China Sea, including waters which are literally closer to other countries than to them?

    Every communist is not a tankie. A tankie is someone who defends actions by Russia and China, despite decrying the same actions if the US takes it. I really don’t see it as an economic thing at all, although that’s certainly where the origin of the word comes from. I see it as someone who thinks everything that the US does is bad, and anything US adversaries do is good. It’s a lot more geopolitical in my eyes.

    Think of it this way, it’s the polar opposite of a nationalist far right conservative when it comes to foreign affairs. Tankies are just one cut away from being the same.

  • They don’t seem to understand that genocide, as a term, does not exclusively mean a violent purge nor Holocaust. The erasure of a group of people can happen with minimal violence too.

    It’s hardly surprising though, considering the USSR regularly practiced genocide with “Russification”. This wasn’t so much the violent kind, but more trying to erase a people’s culture and make them assimilate into Russia’s.

    To tankies, that’s not genocide, even though it is erasing a culture to impose your own.

  • They have a critical logic mistake they always make:

    US bad = not_US good

    They’re effectively obsessed with America in a negative way, where they have to hate anything the US likes and like anything the US hates. They find themselves defending oppressive regimes and, instead of having a realization, dig in further. All the news about NK being bad is just propaganda, and China isn’t doing anything bad to the Uighurs even though they have official government statements on it.

    It’s just like nationalist patriotism in a way, just the negative of it. One’s obsessed with what the US likes, the other is obsessed with what the US dislikes. The US can do no wrong to one, and everything it does is bad to the other. It’s an incredibly childish logic.