• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


    • repeat the “Don’t sweat it.”
    • Ubuntu is a perfectly fine starting point (the other “beginner distro” that’s commonly recommended is LinuxMint)
    • »AFTER« you become comfortable with what you have:
    • »THEN« take a look at immutable distros
      • “immutable distro” is a catch-all term that embraces several concepts
        • immutable – the root filesystem is set to read-only – makes it harder to mess up your system
        • declarative – your hardware and packages and configs are declared in a master configuration file
        • atomic / transactional – updates are checked as they’re applied, if it fails, it gets rolled back to a previous “safe state”
        • container / sandbox – ex. Flatpak or Docker or OCI – apps are isolated in their own sandbox and not allowed to mess up anything else

    • you have to figure out what the icons are and which menu holds which command
    • in a GUI, only the basic options are laid out for you – newcomers regularly assume something can’t be done because the option isn’t there rather trying to find out if the option has just been moved to a completely different area of the UI
    • GUIs regularly freeze up with even less indication of what’s going on (do you wait a few seconds or half an hour when the beach ball isn’t spinning)
    • (on a side note, GUIs are generally a nightmare for accessibility options)

  • (NeXT is something completely different)

    anyways … the problem isn’t with Arch itself, it’s users randomly dipping into AUR thinking that the same level of safety checks that apply to the official repository also apply to the user repository – if you stick with the official repository or doublecheck an AUR package before running some random script off StackExchange, you’ll be fine

    and if you want Arch with a little more polish, start off with EndeavourOS to get your feet wet and decide if you want to move to a pure Arch system at that point …