Aussie living in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Coding since 1998.
.NET Foundation member. C# fan

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • dan@upvote.autoLinux@lemmy.mlFinally made the move
    2 months ago

    I remember them being exactly the dame many years ago

    This is one of the reason I like Debian. They don’t change stuff unless there’s a good reason to. Network configuration on my Debian servers is in /etc/network/interfaces in mostly the same format it was in 20 years ago (the only difference today is that I’m dual-stack IPv4/IPv6 everywhere).

  • when I switch back to windows after using Linux/Mac then it feels like someone fixed the focus and de-blurred everything.

    I haven’t used desktop Linux in a while, but I feel the same about MacOS font smoothing. It’s way too blurry. I’m not sure why people like it.

  • still do the scripting in Bash for portability reasons,

    For what it’s worth, Debian and most of its derivatives use dash (a Linux port of ash) instead of bash for /bin/sh. It’s ~4x faster and uses much less RAM than Bash. Usually the only scripts that use Bash are scripts that aren’t POSIX compliant or that use Bash-specific features.

  • Usually I end up moving back to Windows because of font rendering. I far prefer Windows cleartype font rendering on 2160p desktop screens

    I’m surprised this is still an issue. I remember it being an issue when I used desktop Linux 15 years ago. At the time, Linux devs didn’t want to risk accidently infringing on Microsoft’s ClearType patents, so the text smoothing techniques had to be completely different.

    Those patents all expired in 2018.

  • don’t know if I can run & debug .net 8 applications on a linux machine

    The .NET SDK is cross-platform. Try install it then run dotnet run in the same directory as your project file (.csproj).

    Most .NET APIs are cross-platform, but there’s a few that still only work on Windows, and it’s also possible to write code that only works on Windows, like using P/Invoke to call a Win32 API.