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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023

  • dezmd@lemmy.worldtoFediverse@lemmy.worldLemmy.ml tankie censorship problem
    1 month ago

    I’ll argue that crocodile tears deserve downvotes, as do bullies.

    Im pro jewish, Im pro Israeli, but im so anti-injustice that I’m willing to stand up to anyone pushing for or acting as a pro-war Israel supporter, or jewish as an Israeli identity when it comes to being prowarfare, when they still support what has quickly evolved into a politically strategic genocide against palestinians. Hamas deserved what it got in the immediate aftermath of October 7, but after 2 weeks then 3 weeks then a month then 2 months it showed that despite all of Israels’ military and civilian efforts of having an experienced security apparatus steeped in information warfare and threat containment, they didnt have the effective strategic competence to actually wipe out Hamas without having to constantly murder civilians.

    But they went ahead and kept on removeding killing.

    So now, they keep moving goal posts for any chance of peace. Its not a new strategy, but it has far more violent consequences and only further spreads fervor for more violence. Peace begets peace. One side doesn’t get to play that against the other like a ping pong match and expect objective obervers to fall for either side’s propaganda.

    This is all revenge without justice now.

    Take your foot off the throttle.

  • Embrace, extend, extinguish.

    You are either innocently unaware of how it works or just dissassociating from reality. Meta has to compete with Fediverse if it can’t directly harvest user activity for marketing and advertising systems. They quite obviously will (have to?) do everything they can to influence technical decisions that allow them to steer the protocols in a way that is profitable rather than for the good of the end users and communities.

    They ultimately will seek to build walls around their development and services on their terms and leave others not part of their profitable ecology of development outside of those walls. They are a publicly traded corporation, this is just a normal evolution in for-profit corps, even if current employees do act as positive curators of community engagement.

  • I’m kinda concerned if this issue has no solution because it’s a pretty sharp edge of the double edge sword of having instances anyone can create and host.

    That concern is because you want a target for some outrage reaction takes, rather than just being thoughtful and aware of how things work in the first place.

    **What’s stopping someone from making henious content hosted on a website, or any sort of webservice at all that has nothing to do with fediverse/lemmy? **

    **Morality, decency, the community, the ability of hosts to self-police, the law itself, and law enforcement. **

    This may feel anonymous, but just like with any other service, you are and will be tracked, even using tor and similar technologies to try and hide, it’s not at all foolproof.