I’m not sure I understood you correctly, is the problem just that you don’t know which uuid-s to use where? Cryptdevice corresponds to your sdb2, and root is /dev/mapper/b2open. Otherwise, provide the exact error
I’m not sure I understood you correctly, is the problem just that you don’t know which uuid-s to use where? Cryptdevice corresponds to your sdb2, and root is /dev/mapper/b2open. Otherwise, provide the exact error
Huh, nice to see those guys still have this weird KDE 3 fetish.
… What? Staged (or not; I doubt ppl suddenly stopped doing disgusting crap on the web) revenge porn isn’t an over-engineered non-solution to a widespread (?) problem, so idk how it’s similar.
Why truck, tho? Is it supposed to be one megabuck in $1 bills or something?
As a long-time infinity user, eternity ftw :)
In case you end up not finding a solution for river, hyprland can do that: https://wiki.hyprland.org/0.42.0/Configuring/Keywords/#per-device-input-configs
I think so, but there can probably be some vendor-specific differences, like storing the image in a place that doesn’t get overwritten. For example, thinkpads provide a way to supply your own image, and when installing updates after that you’re asked if you want to keep it. But yeah, the update should neuter it anyways
Not sure about fidesmo, but you can check if your device is apatch-eable, as it reportedly can fool safetynet.
Ah, okay, thanks for clarification
Yeah, but dudes there are kinda pissed off about semantics, IMO. Like, unless there’s a PR from tuxedo using the same v3, I don’t think it should concern them in the slightest… And instead of saying “keep in mind it’s not upstreamable” they go out of their way to mark tuxedo’s patches as proprietary 🤨
So, gpl3 is apparently not GPL and is somehow proprietary. Sure, makes perfect sense. Idk where they even find those geniuses.
Cosmic-comp is my second favorite after hyprland so far due to their tiling being quite well thought-out. The problem is, it’s part of a DE and is somewhat cumbersome to configure as a standalone compositor (can be fixed by patching libcosmic, tho), and also it’s quite bare-bones when it comes to features.
Then there’s pinnacle which looks promising, but I haven’t yet tried to daily-drive it.
Also, maybe qtile, which has a Wayland back-end.
We have minecrafts on linux. One useful-ish thing that I can think of (and currently use waidroid for) is myscript’s nebo, a handwritten note-taking app with quite good OCR. Since myscript don’t build their SDK for Linux, let alone apps, it’s somewhat the only way currently, I guess… Unless you can run wpf-s via wine somehow?
I guess it’s the case of аксиома Эскобара, tbh
Looks like here may be your issue: https://github.com/apognu/tuigreet/issues/140
Stable Tuigreet is 0.9.0, which is affected, so if using that, makes sense to pull it from unstable otherwise just update, I guess
I’m wondering if syncthing in gplay can show some kind of warning that the app is discontinued pointing to use the fork version on f-droid, or, if that’s prohibited by play’s EUFOA (end-user removedover agreement), discussion on the forums mentioning the existence of said fork… [addit: So, kinda like what termux folks did, but less covertly]
I mean, I see a usecase for that, given you make a separate community for that, and not, say, spam c/technology with everything posted on XDA. So, kinda like RSS with comments. I personally follow hackaday both here and via RSS.
Alternatively, one can mirror someone who publishes rarely and only cool stuff. I remember mr.d0x being such a guy (now I don’t really follow security-related things much, so mb it’s changed, but I doubt it)
Well, I guess nixos itself isn’t too overcomplicated, but fun begins when you start layering abstractions over abstractions 😁
What exactly happens when you try to switch ttys? Literally nothing likely means you’re on tty2 already, and should try going to the 3rd one, and do on. If you’re getting a new installer session, they may’ve made it autostart on all ttys, but I don’t see the point in that
Depends on the distro. On arch you need to enable a few hooks, for example