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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023

  • I’ve built several printers from the original RepRap to a Wilson II and a Deltabot. Some of those plans are probably getting on in age. There was a time you couldn’t buy a printer for the cost of building a reprap; those days are long gone. An Ender or similiar are so cheap and good now, it’s hard to build one of similiar quality. But if you’re just looking for a project, fill your boots.

  • Don’t sweat it. There were people doing advanced things in Windows that would probably have blown your mind as well. It’s just that most people that use Linux just enjoy tinkering for the sake of tinkering so it’s more visible, and Linux lends itself to people doing weird and wonderful things never envisioned by it’s creators.

    You just started on the road, where you stop is entirely up to you. Just know that the view is way more interesting going this route. Take a few pictures on the way.

  • Which is why I’m saying I don’t buy it. Hibernate is notoriously terrible in every distro because it’s not working right for most cases because the kernel doesn’t do it well. And I know that’s really not the kernels fault, because every manufacturer has some stupid implementation of S4 (and S3, frankly) that makes it fail.