You are grieving for something that never really existed. If it exists and we are bold enough, then it exists in the future but you’ll have to trade your grief for hope, and an aluminium baseball bat.
You are grieving for something that never really existed. If it exists and we are bold enough, then it exists in the future but you’ll have to trade your grief for hope, and an aluminium baseball bat.
Because American democracy, is not real and this is a scientifically proven fact.
“The preferences of the average American appear to have only a miniscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy.” Gilens & Page, Perspectives in Politics
They even made a video about it
And I found this, but I can’t read it.
Why Estimates of the Impact of Public Opinion on Public Policy Are Too High: Empirical and Theoretical Implications -Paul Burstein
Do you think all of this is amplified by state actors like Russia and the Saudis?
I mean, no couple who decided to prop up their phone on the night stand and bang in front of millions is going to fill out registration documents and identify themselves. My stuff is gone too, I didn’t do it for money and I don’t jump through up or fulfill demands to share what I graciously offered for free, so removed them.
I really never looked back and I’m pretty sure it’s exactly how I imagine it is. Garbage porn made with commercial intent in studios with directors, camera crew and removed, artless and empty, if not teasingly exploitative with cuts meant to frustrate you until you get your credit card out
Pornhub became removed overnight, I haven’t bothered since.
Why not shutdown tiktok, emprison copycats?
This pitfall is easily avoided by not getting them. Getting a kid is a huuuuuge scam.
Is there a concept of content discovery, where tell it I like this this that etc and it finds music you don’t know but will like in the library?
That works great now I can zcat -f /var/log/apache2/*
You mean fork every https browser and server? With hookers and blackjack too?
That’s an ecosystem defect that you need a dns name paid subscription to use “institutionally sanctified” certificates.
My stuff should be made to still work in the apocalypse when San Francisco and Silicon Valley are underwater radioactive craters.
Anything that stops working when I shut off the internet is a hardpass for me
Seems fine used it a few times so far. It works. Very easy to setup. I want to try keepass before I choose. Keepass has a more “foss flavour”
Wow thanks I will try this cinnamon destop
Other than having accept a self signed certificate, what’s the problem to using the ip address? Mine hasn’t changed in years.
If it’s just a bunch of numbers, why not just use the ip address?
You are in luck, I just made this. Https, no reverse proxy needed
proxmox install script for Vaultwarden
Docker Debug requires a Pro, Team, or Business subcription.
I don’t know if that applies to me but big yikes!
It will just reset itself eventually plus they already trained on it, it’s too late.