
Hey 👋 I’m Lemann: mark II

I like tech, bicycles, and nature.

Otherwise known as; @lemann@lemmy.one and @lemann@lemmy.world

Dancing Parrot wearing sunglasses

  • 1 Post
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: December 22nd, 2023


  • I do something similar for my property’s exterior cameras, which are streamed to my VPS in ‘real-time’.

    You will need to re-encode the footage - videos are already pretty well compressed, so traditional compression methods like 7z (lzma), gz, zip etc being layered on top can’t compress them further.

    For your solution, I’d probably run a find every minute w/ cron to look for these files in a staging/watch folder, move them to another folder so they aren’t picked up on the next run, then re-encode with ffmpeg. Do note that when you re-encode footage, you always lose quality, even if you’re on a high quality preset.

    I have a feeling that the Handbrake project can do this with a watch folder though, so might be worth looking into that. After a quick search this looks easier to setup than my solution:


  • I had a similar stringing issue with PETG on my flsun Q5, where PLA was printing flawless without any strings whatsoever. Since your SR isn’t a bowden, that mostly rules out retraction distance IMO.

    For me I narrowed it down to Z-hop: as the printer was lifting the nozzle slightly to move to another part of the print, molten filament oozed out - sticking to the print, and getting stringed across by the nozzle. I only noticed after recording the print (use at least 60fps to avoid the frame blurring you’ll get at 30> and watching what exactly was happening prior to the stringing. It took about 4 hours to get to that point 😭

    If orcaslicer is based on Prusaslicer, wipe on retract with the initial distance set to 100% may not trigger a wipe. Try 70% or 80% instead. There’s another setting somewhere to force retraction when changing layers: enabling this will forcibly honor your wipe retraction preference when changing print layer.

    I think you may still get stringing at the really spiky parts of the test print, given there’s no space for a wipe, and that volcano is going to hold way more molten filament than a V6 or similar

    Hopefully someone with more experience can add their 2¢, it was pretty difficult to research info online when I had PETG stringing - everything just says “tune your retraction” 😤

    Edit: I mixed up the SR with the v400! In that case, Another thing to check is your bowden tube pneumatic couplers - unload the filament and tug lightly on each to see if they’re fitting securely. If they’re loose, your extruder can end up moving the bowden tube itself back and forwards, which affects your retraction

  • I personally prefer Firefox’s rendering, or even Edge’s old and long deprecated EdgeHTML (Trident fork) renderer.

    IME Chrome performs way too much antialiasing on graphics that are not to scale, and their default font hinting technique doesn’t match Windows or even common Linux distro defaults.

    It feels a lot like the enhanced speed and performance come from the shortcuts taken in the renderer, akin to Safari… except that Safari also opts to just refuse implementing new APIs and draft specs.

    Text heavy sites in particular are not really that nice to read in Chrome for me personally.

  • From what I understand (based on smaller printed buildings anyway) it’s identical to FDM 3d printing pretty much, except that instead of filament, a massive onsite silo contains a liquefied cement-like mixture. The nozzle also has a valve of some sort to immediately stop flow.

    Typically one operator has a computer running the printer host software, and others manually fix-up print errors (and things like blobs) while the mixture is still damp. A paperclip shaped rebar is also inserted into the walls every few layers for additional structural integrity

    There are challenges with things like rainfall retention in walls during construction, but various companies have their own way of dealing with that from what I understand…

    Due to the mixture it’s usually restricted to walls AFAICT. Overhangs like doorways need beam supports to be inserted into the structure beforehand