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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023

  • IMO and maybe a wrong one, issues tend to happen for four reasons:

    • incompatible hardware
    • hardware failure
    • update breaks everything
    • I wanna do a cool thing from the internet

    I’ll say that the third one is very rarely occurring in Mint, and I wouldn’t say it’s not happening in Windows.

    The first one is in my experience the most common, though less frequent than it was some time ago.

    The last one is the reason you see many posts around here :)

  • Sorry, I don’t know if it is documented anywhere, but in summary the project started with bcache (block cache) from a single developer (Kent Overstreet A.K.A Evil Pie Pirate) in 2010 that explained he was building a module for the Linux Kernel.

    Bcache is a method of using a fast ssd drive as a caching mechanism for slow but large hdds. As is, the project was quite ambitious but then, when the developer was working in an evolution of bcache (kind-of lessons learned re-implementation), the project grew into a general-purpose POSIX filesystem.

    Considering the origins of the most popular file system implementations, expecting a single individual being successful creating a general-purpose one sounded over ambitious.

    Then in 2013, out of the blue, Kent left Google to solely work in this project. (In reality though, he spent two years later in Datera as well.)

    Then, how do you finance a single developer for a file system from 2013 onwards up to today, when it finally merged into the kernel?

    Patreon. The whole thing was financed through it.

    That said, there are other collaborators like Daniel Hill, Dave Chinner or Brian Foster, yet what’s surprising is how this started as a side project and eventually became the main competitor of corporate-developed file systems by Patreon funding.

    Note: A bit of hype-control here, btrfs which would be the main “competitor” was merged into kernel 14 years ago, so bcachefs still has a long way to go before we can trust it with our data.

  • Last time I used Windows as my OS was Windows 2000. I went through multiple things (BeOS, Suse Linux (I think before opensuse), rhl, FreeBSD, ubuntu…) until I landed on MacOS.

    But all the bullremoved Apple did to unify tablets with laptops and their lack of thorough with git, opengl, etc… and all their problems with package distributions and their “appstore” made me switch back to Linux.

    I searched for the most Linux friendly laptop on the market and bought a Thinkpad X1 Carbon.
    Then spent the first month trying making my microphone work or my audio not crack by learning a ton of Alsa/Pulseaudio.

    IMO Linux works well when you ace the hardware choice.

  • I might get lynched by my reply but coding a functionality for GUI rather than command line is way harder and more labor consuming as it adds an additional layer that is very very thin in a CLI.

    We could blame the GTK vs. QT rivalry, but I think it’s more of a user coding something they need and doing it the way its less work/more comfortable for them.

    Consider that there’s a wide range of Linux developers that prefer tiling desktops that only rely on keyboards, not mouse. Even, there’s a Linux Window Manager called Ratpoison.

  • Mature as a server os or as a desktop os?

    I’ve got a server running for 15 years straight with minimum changes beyond security patching.

    For desktop though it can be a bag of mixed results: Casual users that I’ve convinced using Linux had been over the moon with it, their computers “just work”.

    Power users though, they have an incredibly hard time as they try matching functionalities with other OS but do not want to rely heavily on terminals and setting files.

    The problem for this last group is that the desktop developers are mostly users, and they are comfortable with terminals.

    In my own experience, the problems I had with desktop Linux are mostly drivers (spent a week learning how alsa/pulseaudio works).

    My second, and most common problem is updates that break some functionality.
    If I can detect it right away, no problem as I can revert it, but if it’s something I only use occasionally, then I’ll spend some quality time debugging.

  • the advantage of a Linux Desktop is allowing a dev to customize the desktop and packages

    Again, who says they can’t? A Linux repository works as a catalog of software (packages) where you can pick and choose what to install.

    Distribution != Desktop: As an IT overlord, I can dictate what distro you use, but you can pick your poison desktop as long as it is compliant.

    combined with no native MS Office apps

    Use Office 365 like everyone else or just a proper solution that doesn’t have finicky WYSIWYG.

    no Adobe apps

    How many need Adobe apps in a company? Then you provide an alternative for those few.

  • You’re thinking as if it was Windows. In enterprise environments, companies control a set of proxy repositories and whitelist/blacklist packages.
    If you’re a dev and need a specific package (or set of packages) that aren’t listed, then you can request it through a ticket.

    What do companies gain from a full Linux environment?

    • Better integration with services (if it’s already a linux/unix shop).
    • Cost reduction from licenses (although an increase in training/in-house expertise costs)
    • Machines will run supported as long as the silicon stays welded.
    • Better security if implemented right.
      (A big issue of Windows is that for running secure you need to cut a lot of it, which generates shadow IT).

    However if not done right, there’s a long list of head-aches, including some software that’s no longer compatible and has no real professional linux option (design suites, SCADA/ICS, CAD software, etc).
    Even if there’s a similar tool, it’s highly possible that there are trade-offs that will require a lot of investment.

    In most cases this gets solved in two ways:

    • Designers get a Mac so they can stop whinning and IT churns a solution to integrate all the outdated stuff running on that OS with the rest of enterprise services.
    • Windows stuff that doesn’t require a beffy computer gets deployed on a VM with RBAC integrated with the company’s IDP.