How does this work? I thought WebRTC is UDP and Tor is over TCP. I don’t really know what I’m talking about here, but I’d like to know some details.
How does this work? I thought WebRTC is UDP and Tor is over TCP. I don’t really know what I’m talking about here, but I’d like to know some details.
“Some” appears to be 3. How many are left?
At least for sweden they appear to have shipping options with taxes/duty included. I don’t have in front of me right now, but it was something like 200€ all inclusive shipping on a 500€ order. Something like that.
Definition of concepts from abstract:
Political views, opinions, and worldviews become increasingly irreconcilable (idea-based polarization), while at the same time society appears to be getting fractured in antagonistic, opposing camps (identity-based polarization).
I’m not sure how it is actually measured. It is from the v-dem dataset. Is that questionaire data?
I’m running PopOS on a computer for wathing media at home. I’m not too impressed. I read a bunch of comment threads recommening it so I treid it out. They seem a bit unstable – that at least falls in OP middle ground. I made an update and dpms management was just different, like the screen is no longer turning itself off. I’ve had some thing like this happen on it. It’s not breakage, it’s a bit annoying. “Just works”? Eh, sure, kinda’.
Oh, wow. Just ordered a new computer. I guess it have to include some more disks!
Not the person you were replying to, and don’t understand exactly what you mean with port and device id. But if it changes every time, -ish, you plug it in, do you mean like /dev/sdX device names? If so, then maybe look at /dev/disk/by-TYPE/ and use those instead? You have stuff there which is the same each time you plug in.
I have been forced to use mac now for like a year, and I don’t get the whole “just works” opinion of it. Like I have had so many issues with just basic stuff. Turning off mouse acceleration and the mouse still feels all slimy. Highest mouse speed is so slow and setting it higher requires some crazy tricks, which also does not work consistently through boots. It can’t wake up a lot of monitors, I have to turn them off and on manually. If it cannot connect to a monitor properly but tries, it like disables your keyboard for a few seconds while trying. Some items in the settings menu take a long time to load, as in if I reboot, log in, open settings, there is no mouse settings.
Did not want to switch from windows 98 SE to XP, so went with linux instead.
Do you dd the device directly, and while it is running for this?
Which parts are OpenTelemetry for? Is Prometheus Agent, Prometheus Server and Grafana not enough?
I was using a metric tablespoon for my calculations (15ml)
Since the graphic claims microchips are made out of “sand”, I will call silica “sand”. To get a spoon full of “sand”, some random internet sources suggests that it would weigh about 33g, and apparently oats is quite dense in “sand”, so youd need about 176 kg of oats, or about 27,000 spoonfulls of oats to satisfy your diet of “sand”. Impressive!
(Or maybe you just eat it raw as a anti-caking agent?)
How much delay could you live with between syncs? If it’s not important to be immidiate, just an end-of-the-day thing you could cronjob the rync with the update flag every so often.
Windows 98SE for me too. I wanted to escape XP hell, so I stayed on 98SE until 2005 when I switched to linux.
My bank blocked “firefox” at some point on debian. Then it was because the version of firefox presented it self to be too old (because debian) to the bank so they blocked me. Firefox was up to date on security pathes, but the bank did not understand that and blocked.
On my main computer: Ubuntu (@2005) -> Gentoo (for years) -> Arch (for maybe 6 months) -> Gentoo (for years) -> Debian (for years) -> Gentoo (until now)
Never liked vlc. Only used mpv and mplayer before that. A few times I had some problems with mpv and forumposts have insisted “just use vlc”, and it never helped. First time I installed it for such troubleshooting I noticed there was no manual, just a mile long help print. I just uninstalled it right there, that time.
A lot of the answers here are mentioning the kernel. The version of it and what not. Look, the distro compiles the kernel for you, they are not gonna support literally everything but they have to make a choice. That choice is stored in the “kernel config”. If you have one distro working and another one not, compare the two configs. It’s gonna take a lot of work to parse through, there are many config settings. But where do you start to look? Most distros have their config published in two places: /boot/config-<kernel version>, for any installed kernel, or /proc/config.gz (cat /proc/config.gz | gunzip
to read), for your running kernel. Get the two files from the distros, compare, find what seems relevant, make the changes (I only know how to do this in gentoo), and test.
Oh, it is part of the Tor project even. Cool. Thanks. I will read the links.