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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Yep I remember this pattern of behavior distinctly from last time.

    One of the big ones that sticks out is you start seeing a lot of people claiming to be democrats or left aligned showing up all of a sudden and being big time concern trolls and talking about sitting out the election and/or claiming that there’s no difference between voting democrat or republican, which is demonstrably absolute horse removed.

    And just a lot of added vitriol. It seems like even politically unrelated discussions get meaner and more argumentative. I expect it’s just gonna get worse as we get closer to November. It’s only the beginning February. Ugh.

  • Yeah agreed on the trending problem on Mastodon. In fact, as a whole it does a pretty poor job of serving interesting content without putting in some work. The only way I’ve been able to get a stream of stuff I actually want to see is by filtering a lot of stuff out and following a lot of specific hashtags.

    I think the problem they’re wrestling with is definitely technical but also partly philosophical. Because when you start doing trending content, you start looking at some amount of algorithmic aggregation and that can get messy when you’re positioning yourself as a network that specifically doesn’t play the algorithmic BS game like the Metas and Twitters of the world.

  • I just hope the platform will expand into more niche content over time. The big topics seem to be news, politics, and some specific tech subjects. Would love to see arts/crafts/hobby related stuff take hold here as well.

    That said, I do think a lot of the discussion happening here is pretty high quality and the place does seem to be improving over time. Time will tell. Hopefully more people wake up to the fact that reddit is not gonna hold up on the long term. I expect them to go IPO crazy this coming year and I don’t think a lot of the core users are going to like it.

  • Yeah I completely wiped my account and don’t post anymore but I still browse the site because it’s just a hard resource to replace overnight. But if they kill off old.reddit it’s gonna be a lot easier to wean off of it. Killing Apollo has cut my usage back considerably as I no longer use Reddit on mobile.

    So I think killing old.reddit will be a big step as will them seeking more invasive ways to pump revenue. It’s all downhill for that site from here out as far as I see it.

  • I don’t really agree. The thing is that Twitter is absolutely dogremoved now for even regular old people. It’s chock full of rightwing bullremoved and misinfo now and only premium users float to the top of comment threads and that filters for some of the worst people on the platform. It’s a majorly degraded experience. Twitter is also more of the moment and doesn’t so much serve as a library of archival information well categorized into subreddits.

    Reddit on the other hand has pissed a lot of people off a lot but the average person is at the most a little annoyed and just kept using the site. And it’s still got 10+ years of backlogged content on it and tons of subreddits.

    Also when someone leaves Twitter it’s like shutting down a subreddit in a way. So as more significant people leave, more people have a reason to also leave. Nobody can unilaterally shut down a popular subreddit in the same way that a really popular twitter user can unilaterally pull up stakes and move elsewhere. They’ll just open that sub back up and cram in new scab mods.

    Point of the above is that Reddit’s decline is nowhere near as far as Twitter yet and it has a lot of stored value and built up communities that cannot be replaced overnight. That will take years.

  • Yeah I expect the same thing to happen. Reddit’s gonna keep pissing users off as they race for their IPO and so this will happen in waves. And when Reddit goes public and needs to start MAKING BIG NUMBER GO UP, the site is really gonna change and people are not going to like it.

    Meanwhile the Fediverse and its lack of profit motivation, algorithms, and advertising is going to start looking real appealing.

    It might take years. But it does feel like the Fediverse is holding on and has what it takes to make it on the long term.