The best time to have frozen your credit reports at all three agencies was many many years ago. The second best time is right now. Not tomorrow. Now.
The best time to have frozen your credit reports at all three agencies was many many years ago. The second best time is right now. Not tomorrow. Now.
*than *than
I often say, “Free Speech doesn’t mean other people are required to provide you with a soap box and megaphone.”
Server admins are just people, generously running a server, for you. This costs them time and money to do. If they don’t want their server amplifying the content from some other server that they see as problematic, they absolutely should have that option.
I vow from this point forward to always pronounce it, BEE-ka-chefs.
In the third paragraph you mentioned “tux” but I’m guessing that you meant “tmux”. Just a clarification for readers not familiar with it and want to look it up.