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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • You’re right but…

    It’s the same with open source products. Companies just take it, make billions off it, give nothing back, will try the embrace, enhance , extinguish tactics, will hide any GPL licensing because of course they would…

    It’ll happen anyway, and you can’t stop it. Like you said, girls dress to rape is bullremoved. But if a girl goes in a skimpy bikini in a Bombay bus at 9pm, then you’re kind of asking for something. Open source is open for everyone, that is kind of the point, it’s the reason why it became so big in the first place, but it WILL be abused because there are always abusers out there

  • I don’t know other IDE’s very well, haven’t used others in years.

    Amongst things… PHPstorm allows me to rename a method and it will automatically rename that method in any extended class, interface, etc, and any call to they method too. It usually, mostly, does a reasonable job at it, but sometimes it forks up big time.

    I guess I am willing to try eclipse again, see how well that goes.

  • I get your point. I also get that the average noob is now starting to hear about Linux. I also get that the average noob had been complaining about the windows bullremoved, thinking that it’s a computer thing that is normal, is now learning that actually, no, it’s not normal.

    I’ve seen many a noob dipping their toes into Linux, and quite a few staying. Call it Dad’s trying to fix the computer after he fixed the toaster, but still.

    Also companies are more and more interested. Once people use Linux on their company computer and see how easy it is to get the same nice system on their own computer, you will see them switch

    My point is: you need a critical mass and I feel (I might be wrong) that clinic is approaching that. 10 years ago many noobs didn’t even know what a Linux is, today they actually do and they keep hearing there are no ads, it’s free it’s safer, it’s easier, less bullremoved… They’ll come.

  • Hey míster, 1999 called, they want their Linux comment back.

    Linux is easier to install than Windows. On windows 11 vs. Ubuntu Linux:

    Literally last time I installed both, Linux was a 25 minute task that includes download time. Windows was a week long hell that in total cost me over 7 hours, required me to make bios changes, run VMs to try and burn the damn image and a whole lot more headaches

    Out of the box, Linux will detect and support most hardware quite well. Again, can’t say the same for windows where a lot of manual labour was involved.

    On how it works? Even my mother can sit down and use it out of the box, talking from experience.

    Is Linux perfect? By no means it is. Are there spill specialty devices out there that require extra work or may not even be supported? I’m sure there are. Does the same go for Windows? You bet your ass.

    Does Linux have a better user experience than Windows? You bet your ass. No ads, no marketing BS, no money begging, no tricks, no clutter, no OS stuffed with sponsored crap, it. Just. Works.

  • I’m sure there are some closed softwares left worth paying for but personally I would stop paying for all of it.

    The only software left that I pay for is phpstorm and it’s buggy as hell and for every bug report I get a “well, nobody really cares”. Then what the hell am I paying for?

    Well I’m paying for features not found in other systems but seriously, it soeerds my work up by 300% and slows it down by 200% due to the extreme amount of bugs… it’s not acceptable for a paid product but unfortunately there is no good alternative open source product yet.

  • I’ve noticed a LOT of pushback against the ads in MS removed. Microsoft has become greedy (well what am I saying, they’ve always been, kist really effin more greedy now) and somehow seems to invest even less in development. All Microsoft apps I see today are just painfully painfully bad. Again, not that they’ve ever been particularly good at anything besides keyboards, but lately it’s been comically worse.

    I’ve seen Linux desktop grow significantly now, and I really do see it happen that Linux crosses that threshold where there is just no more stopping it

  • phoenixz@lemmy.catoLinux@lemmy.mlUbuntu Snap Hate
    2 months ago

    I think hate is the right word. Snap sucks for a long list of reasons, a few years ago it was pushed down everyone’s throats whilst still being broken (it would even break OS upgrades due to being broken, even if you didn’t even use it, fun times) and then canonical started redirecting apt to snap… Yeah, hate is the right word, same with systemd