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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • A partition for each thing you might want to change the size of is my rule, or to be able to wipe independently of the others.

    I usually prefer lvm over actual partitions, since it does a better job letting me think about volumes as opposed to devices.

    Boot gets a partition because it’s basically required. Home gets one so I can reinstall without mucking things up. The database directory gets one for similar reasons, a d because I might need to scale it up. The system itself gets one because it’s most likely to get wiped or need more space.
    Most of these are actually lvm volumes.

  • For the most part, yeah. If you’re looking for a laptop the older you go, the more “boring” you’ll want.
    Plain form factors and the like.

    Sometimes, very rarely, weird laptop keyboards need special drivers that don’t always get baked into Linux, so it can be a pain. Same for older “premium” sound stuff in an older laptop.
    Doesn’t mean that it will have problems, just that you’re more likely to.
    Old midrange Lenovo or Dell laptops tend to be a staple for Linux. They also contribute to Linux, so their stuff tends to just work. Contrast with apple, where getting it to work with Linux is a hard-mode hobby for some people.

    Base hardware stuff is essentially all compatible.


    That’s basically an example of a standard laptop you might try to put Linux on and expect effortless success. (It’s newer because that’s what came up, but it’s an example of the trend).
    Note the lack of anything that makes you go “ah, a marketable feature to highlight or differentiate”.


    This one probably works fine, but I’d have some concerns about that touch screen and things not playing well with any sensors that make the folding action turn off the screen.
    It might work fine, but it’s the type of thing that can take a bit of fiddling to get working, or just doesn’t because people don’t care to port the functionality over.