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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • You can put a myriad of setup and administration options into the GUI and most people still have no interest in them. These people just have no interest in using a computer like that. They “just want it to work”. It’s not a CLI v. GUI problem, it’s one of assumed responsibility.

    This is an inherent limitation of “free as in freedom” software.

    “Free as in freedom” really only refers to developers. The non-developers are beholden to whoever packages and distributes their software for them. We Linux users who aren’t system developers let the “distro maintainers” do the developer work for us. That’s why a distro’s website is full of mission statements and declarations of philosophy–it’s how we decide who to trust.

    And it’s the same for the “non-nerds” with system administration. Businesses hire admins to handle their internal software and networks, and at home people let Apple, Microsoft or Google take increasingly more control over their devices so that they aren’t responsible for getting it all working.

  • Apple’s success came from Microsoft’s negligence. Too many people had Windows XP computers at home wrecked with toolbars and spyware and garbage.

    And people gladly left for a walled garden platform that locked down everything and didn’t require them to administer their own systems.

    The biggest success in the Linux world has been Chromebooks and Android, where Google administers the system for the user.

    Most people don’t choose linux because they can’t administer their own system. A system that lets them administer however they want has no appeal to them. They instinctively know they can’t handle that responsibility. They need their hands held.

  • I’m not a distro hopper, but 6 years ago I ditched Windows and chose Manjaro in the i3wm flavor.

    I learned a lot initially and now “live in the terminal” whenever possible and I’m still using the same install.

    If you want to learn more about linux, I can recommend it.

    lDK if straight arch is better (as i’ve never used it) but I think I kinda prefer not having a constant flood of updates.