i should be gripping rat

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Here’s a link to the Tom’s Hardware post about AMD’s new GPU strategy, cited in the GN video.

    Some thoughts after watching this part of the video:

    • Sounds like AMD is hitting the point where AMD cards are a complete afterthought for devs, because NVIDIA has both dominant market share and the best performance by all metrics except price. But devs don’t care about what consumers are paying for cards, they only care about developing for the card that most users have. And so, AMD is giving up on the top-end to focus on clawing back market share in the mid and entry level where NVIDIA doesn’t compete as hard.
    • AMD is essentially swapping rivals, from NVIDIA to Intel, as Intel is targeting the same market that AMD is pivoting to. It’ll be interesting to see how that shakes out.
    • NVIDIA will essentially have a monopoly on the top-end GPU market. I am not looking forward to that.

    EDIT: I’m noticing on my Sync app for android that the bulleted list doesn’t seem to be working right, although the bullets are working correctly on desktop. Just wanted to point that out for mobile only users - this is supposed to be a bulleted list!