i hate soup

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I’d like to preface this by saying that my prefrontal cortex is mostly lard and anxiety medication, so sorry if I sound stupid here.

    Why bother with BlueSky over Mastodon?

    Bluesky is a “public benefit corporation”, whereas Mastodon is proper open source if I understood correctly.

    To me “public benefit corporation”, just sounds shady. Why should BlueSky be trustworthy? Because of Jack Dorsey?

    I know musk turned Twitter into a bizarre fever dream hellscape, but I don’t recall it being sunshine and roses under Dorsey’s leadership either. The platform would pester me for my phone number to “prevent spam” (they really said that removed with a straight face). White supremacists openly just said awful removed. The video player was ass.

    But, I’ll be optimistic. Hopefully this won’t be Twitter 2: Judgement Day. I hope it will be a good tool for whistleblowers and breaking news. Ideally, it will have a symbiotic relationship with other federated networks instead of a hostile pain in the ass.

  • If you’re allowed to install WSL on your work machine, they recently (I think recently) added GUI support for linux applications.

    If you install kitty on a WSL distro, you can use it like any other windows program.

    You can access your windows file system from /mnt/

    I don’t really know how they do the virtualization, so you may lose a lot of the performance benefits that kitty has.

    Very clunky workaround, but it’s an option.

  • I have some neat toys and some utilities that other newbies might enjoy.

    edit: gmornin

    Let me know if there are better alternatives or if anything listed here is malware
    Sorry if tool already listed, adhd hitting hard today

    Aesthetically pleasing to have open on a second monitor.

    • cmatrix: That character scrolling effect from the matrix
    • cbonsai: Little ASCII art bonsai tree that can be animated with the -l flag
    • cacademo A bunch of ASCII animations. Apparently installed by default in many distros? Had no idea
    • spotify-tui Spotify CLI frontend

    ASCII fun
    Fun to make your shell scripts and .zshrc/.bashrc files obnoxiously zany.

    • toilet/figlet ASCII text art.
    • jp2a Turn image files into ASCII art
    • cowsay generates ASCII art pictures of a cow with a message
    • neofetch Spits out a cool system info summary with the distro logo in ASCII art

    File inspection
    Useful if you want to quickly look at a source file without opening a text editor

    • src-hilite-lesspipe.sh Syntax highlight files. I think its pre-installed on GNU systems
    • ccat Colourful cat. Also syntax highlighter
    • glow Markdown file renderer

    Prompt help
    Very useful if you learned to type the wrong way.

    Obvious ones, often preinstalled:

    • curl/wget: grab files from the internet
    • nmap: lets you audit your network. See if you have anyone leeching off your wifi.
    • ssh: Remotely access your machines. Can be dangerous if you don’t read the manual.
    • git: Version control, mainly for source code, but also very useful to locally keep track of any kinds of file changes you make.
    • gnupg: needed to set up keys for ssh and git i think. cant remember