Onno (VK6FLAB)

Anything and everything Amateur Radio and beyond. Heavily into Open Source and SDR, working on a multi band monitor and transmitter.

#geek #nerd #hamradio VK6FLAB #podcaster #australia #ITProfessional #voiceover #opentowork

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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: March 4th, 2024


  • I read that you’re manually tagging them, so your process can be whatever you want to do.

    For example, you can leave the images in their current folder structure and create a separate folder structure with symbolic links to an image, so in the character folder would be symbolic links to all the images like that. They also don’t have to be unique, an image can be in multiple categories.

    Alternatively you can use a spreadsheet and generate lists there.

    Finally there are plenty of photo album applications that allow you to tag images.

  • As an end user, ie. not someone who either hosts an instance or has extra permissions, can we in anyway see who voted on a post or comment?

    I’m asking because over the time I’ve been here, I’ve noticed that many, but not all, posts or comments attract a solitary down vote.

    I see this type of thing all over the place. Sometimes it’s two down votes, indicating that it happens more than once.

    I note that human behaviour might explain this to some extent, but the voting happens almost immediately, in the face of either no response, or positive interactions.

    Feels a lot like the Reddit down vote bots.

  • Onno (VK6FLAB)@lemmy.radiotoLinux@lemmy.mlBeginners Guides
    1 month ago

    My first recommendation is to become familiar with one flavour of Linux. Debian is a solid choice and it will give you a good understanding of how a great many derivatives operate.

    The command line is a tool to get things done, it’s not an end to itself. Some things are easier to do with a GUI, many things are easier to do with the command line interface or CLI.

    Many Linux tools are tiny things that take an input, process it and produce an output. You can string these commands together to achieve things that are complex with a GUI.

    Manipulation of text is a big part of this. Converting things, extracting or filtering data, counting words

    For example, how many times do you use the words “just” and “simply” in the articles you write?

    grep -oiwE "just|simple" *.txt | sort | uniq -c

    That checks all the text files in a directory for the occurrence of either word and shows you how many occurred and what capitalisation they used.

    In other words, learning to use the CLI is about solving problems, one by one, until you don’t have to look things up before you understand why or how it works.

  • If you’re not a programmer, then what you’re saying sounds reasonable, but if you are, it’s not.

    Different operating systems use different ways to interact with the outside world, in fact, it’s pretty much the only thing an operating system does.

    Consider for example responding to a mouse click.

    Each operating system handles this differently, sometimes within the same OS it’s different depending on what else is happening, (Linux X11 vs Linux Wayland).

    A mouse is pretty trivial on the face of it, but the operating system needs to be able to track each pulse from a mouse and respond to that and then it needs to tell your program about it. In other words, it needs to interrupt your program, deal with the pulse, update the relevant information, then resume your program.

    The same is true for the screen, disk storage, keyboard, memory and even the CPU itself.

    Even if the various operating systems use the same CPU, and these days they mostly don’t, running the same program in multiple places is extremely rare, and that’s for companies who have the source code to the software they sell.

    Some programs are more universal, because they’re written in a language like python that’s compiled when you launch it, but dig inside and you’ll find code specific to each operating system.

    Source: I’ve been writing software for over 40 years.

  • There is not enough information in your post to help you. Here’s a preliminary list of questions that need an answer before anyone can give you a meaningful contribution.

    Where did you get “Davinci resolve” from?

    What instructions were you following to install it?

    Did the installation finish?

    Have you attempted to login using a text console?

    Which version of Kubuntu were you using and which version of “Davinci resolve” were you attempting to install.

  • I use Docker and (currently) VMware and host whatever I need for as long (or short) as I need it.

    This allows me to keep everything separate and isolated and prevents incompatible stuff interacting with each other. In addition, after I’m done with a test, I can dispose of the experiment without needing to track down spurious files or impacting another project.

    I also use this to run desktop software by only giving a container access to the specific files I want it to access.

    I’m in the process of moving this to AWS, so I have less hardware in my office whilst gaining more flexibility and accessibility from alternative locations.

    The ultimate aim is a minimal laptop with a terminal and a browser to access what I need from wherever I am.

    One side effect of this will be the opportunity to make some of my stuff public if I want to without needing to start from scratch, just updating permissions will achieve that.

    One step at a time :)