• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023


  • Y’all are all removeding up. This is a raw survival chart. This is not a save the planet chart. This is a capitalism has removeded me, how can I best spend my negative money to eat chart, and it is spot on. Eggs all day if you can afford it, and those dirt nasty bad boy legumes if we’re willing and able to cook a good meal. Well done.

  • I’m thinking this is where my lack of experience really shows, fixing some things, like audio issues was a bit rough for me on certain distros, or understanding how to install/remove drivers on certain distros. Out of the box is I think and important step for newcomers, but I also like being forced in a way to learn the environments a little more. It can be frustrating when you’re just ready to play something right now and haven’t resolved it.

    That said I celebrated as if I had just beat my first Dark souls boss, a lot of hype involved.

  • I appreciate it, I was more so wondering whether or not I could keep my existing build as is aside from the GUI. I’ve done it the headless/CLI via ssh route previously but thought I’d check out using the GUI during the setup stages and being able to enable/disable the GUI at will and how that would affect performance vs installing only CLI at the start of the build.