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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: February 22nd, 2022


  • z3rOR0ne@lemmy.mltoLinux@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    8 months ago

    I use Artix Linux with runit and am happy. Artix offers multiple init systems other than systemd. If you’re familiar with using Arch Linux, basically Artix is the same without systemd.

    You can install the various ISOs and see the differences for yourself, but the complaints launched against systemd that have any validity are either technical and/or philosophical in nature.

    In a lot of ways, systemd has become like the JavaScript of init systems in that it handles a lot more than what it originally was needed for (init starts other processes after boot, JavaScript adds small amounts of interactivity to web pages).

    As opposed to what each became (systemd now handles DNS, cron, bootloader, and is a suite of tools tightly coupled with the init system) (JavaScript has now become a scripting language with access to the C level exec library to the point where an OS can and has been written in it).

    In the early days of systemd adoption, there was much controversy over its seemingly sudden mass adoption. SysV init needed a modern replacement, and indeed, alternatives like Upstart, openrc, and others were in production to eventually replace it. Lennart Poettering and Kay Sievers over at Red Hat created and heavily promoted systemd.

    Lennart was already somewhat beloved/hated in the community as he had developed PulseAudio, which was a boon over the previous Alsa implementation, but was considered bloated and unnecessary by the less audio oriented Linux users of the time. He was inspired to create systemd after researching Apple’s new init implementation, launchd.

    Controversy spread as Lennart would dismiss adoption of systemd into the BSD family of UNIX like OSes. He also dismissed competitors like Upstart, as their implementation of certain modern features like CGroups was not as developed as systemd at the time. Additionally, Linux users at the time were heavily concerned that Red Hat was trying to take over the entirety of the Linux space, enforcing a more corporate and commercial influence on what had previously been a community more in line with the aims of the FSF.

    Much of this culminated in a months long email exchange on the Debian email list, where many of these grievances, pros and cons of systemd adoption, and overall discourse around this topic took place in 2013-2014. Eventually the result was that Debian adopted systemd as the default init system, which along with Fedora, Arch, and other distros, sealed the fate of other alternative init systems as being fringe, out of date, and irrelevant.

    More and more system admins would learn the ins and outs of systemd as it would become required for their jobs, and the criticism of systemd became more and more quiet as it just became part of the every day Linux experience.

    Truth be told, the birth of systemd really heralded in the death of the UNIX philosophy as an old way of thinking about software development and program scope. Doing one thing only, and doing it well, while looking good on paper, and oftentimes is a good general rule of thumb, doesn’t apply to modern application development, for better and worse.

    I personally like runit not for its speed, but for its simplicity. I can peruse the C code in an afternoon and appreciate it for what it is, an init system. I can’t say the same when I look at systemd’s code.

    But most could care less. As long as it works. And all the power to them…

    It does surprise me somewhat, however, that Linux users will condemn bloated browsers, electron apps, and text editors, but will give a pass to systemd, which holds so much more importance over whether pid 1 even launches and starts user space.

    Let the downvoting commence.

  • Linux Cast is…okay. The long form conversation format episodes are usually better than when its just Matt.

    Brodie should definitely be at the top of this list. He works in tech, devotes himself emphatically to the subject of Linux, has some really amazing guests on his Tech Over Tea Podcast, and is imho THE Linux YouTuber atm.

    Chris Titus Tech is more an honorable mention, as his channel focuses equally on Windows and Linux, but he has some amazing scripts for iptables configurations, and optimizing gaming on Linux, amongst other related topics.

    The Linux Experiment is great for quick recap of Linux News. Learn Linux TV is great for Linux sysadmin tips.

    I don’t care for Distrotube, I won’t go into details except to say I don’t support Trump. Similar sentiments go for the Bible thumper, Luke Smith, whom doesn’t really post much Linux content any more afaik. I will admit they did post useful bash scripts from time to time though.

    Trafotin and Bugswriter are interesting channels in the Linux Youtube space that I think are worth checking out.

    Overall though, if you’re looking for quality Linux content on Youtube that keeps you informed and up to date. You can’t go wrong with Brodie Robertson, The Linux Experiment, and Learn Linux TV. That’s all you really need imho.

  • Custom PROMPT variable in my .zshrc. Similar format in .bashrc, but uses PS1 instead.

    Prompt shows git branch, italics and custom colors/characters. Shows a hanging arrow on a newline (i know, wasted newlines are blasphemy to some, but I like it).

    Renders nicely in my custom compiled suckless terminal using monospace font.

    PROMPT='%B%F{blue}[  %B%F{white}$(tput sitm)'%1~'$(tput sgr0)$(tput bold)%B%F{blue}]$(tput sitm)$ %B%F{white}$(tput setaf 5)${vcs_info_msg_0_}%B%F$(tput sgr0)$(tput setaf 4)$(tput bold)
    └─>%B%F{white} '

  • Lots of great suggestions here. I still use Xorg as I’ve just been lazy in regards to this. I like minimal RAM usage for everything on my systems regardless of how much is available, so I ended up with bspwm. Technically DWM is lighter, but having compiled and used the suckless terminal as my daily terminal emulator, i can honestly say I’d rather just stick with bspwm for this part of my system.

    I started on Xfce, but kept on trying to make it act like a TWM, which is when I took the dive in and started using i3. i3 was a very good intro TWM, but I didn’t like how I had to install a python package to get it to tile in a Golden Ratio format, and found that bspwm did that out of the box. Additionally, bspwm is configured in bash, which makes it very versatile when used with bash scripts, so I’m still with it and happy.

    Whenever I do eventially moce to Wayland, I’ll be looking for the lightest weight (in terms of RAM usage) TWM and terminal emulator possible. I’ve already played around with Sway on my Raspberry Pi 4 and have heard good things about the foot terminal, but still don’t know much else about the available options on Wayland yet.

    I will note that TWMs changed my entire workflow and imho is just faster and better than most DE workflows I’ve seen (though there are exceptions).

    This is thanks to my initial interest in creating a seamless workflow involving neovim, vimium, bspwm, and a 40% plank ortholinear keyboard. That combo in particular made it so some people who watch me work get nauseous, lol. Now if only my speed of thought could catch up…

    Anyways, enjoy the journey, TWMs are powerful tools once you get the hang of them.

  • I used Ubuntu for a month. Switched to Manjaro for 9 months, then went to Artix Linux where I’ve been for 2 years.

    Manjaro has quite a few issues which I think are addressed by EndeavorOS, which would be my personal recommendation.

    A rolling release distro does require a bit more attention, however, as you should be updating your system more regularly and you’ll occassionally run into dependency issues depending on how many packages you install.

    This usually requires being a bit familiar with the command line and how to properly search internet resources to find answers to specific bugs. The Arch Wiki is an incredible resource about computers in general and worth looking into for pretty much anyone imho.

    You’ll want to also look into using the AUR, as eventually you’ll find that you’ll want/need a piece of software that isn’t in the official repositories.