According to the StatCounter, Linux on the desktop has continued to rise and remains above 4%, with this being the healthiest it's ever looked on the desktop.
removed yeah Bitwig. I mainly chose it so I’d have the flexibility to move to Linux in the future. That and the unmatched sounds design and modulation abilities.
I bought Abelton Live 12 before I tried Bitwig and now I have a bit of buyer’s remorse. Bitwig and Renoise are so good. Bitwig is also far more inspiring IMHO. I couldn’t get into Reaper though.
removed yeah Bitwig. I mainly chose it so I’d have the flexibility to move to Linux in the future. That and the unmatched sounds design and modulation abilities.
I bought Abelton Live 12 before I tried Bitwig and now I have a bit of buyer’s remorse. Bitwig and Renoise are so good. Bitwig is also far more inspiring IMHO. I couldn’t get into Reaper though.
Yeah inspiring is a great word for it. I managed to get Bitwig via rent-to-own.
100% agree, bitwig also supports Pipewire! I have multiple USB audio interfaces having access to all of them in bitwig is awesome.